We were given LUXIQ foam for Olivia's head to use for 6 weeks. It is a low-grade steroid to hopefully boost hair regrowth.
We've been using it for about 5 weeks and last night I noticed the top of her head is very dry and scaly. I decided not to use it anymore because I am thinking the alcohol base is causing the dryness.
I looked up the foam this morning and found a phone number to call the manufacturer.
The gentleman I spoke to told me that this product is not FDA approved for children!!!!!!
So now I have to blast the Dermatologist. What an idiot.
Granted, I know it did not hurt her, other than give her really dry scalp...but to give something to a child that isn't approved?
We're going back to nature. We already have an appt for another opinion with another Dr and I want to discuss holistic.


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Hi Sybil! My name is Heidy and I have a 13 yr. old daughter who gets injections for 2 months now. I see a little regrowth in one area, but the hair loss is so rapid and it is spreading rapidly. I was told by our general practioner that I could try buying an Aloe Vera plant and spreading it on the spots. So we started about three days ago. And my daughter says it feels a little itchy so I am going to try every other day doing it. And I do it at night before she goes to sleep. I just thought I would pass on this approach. If your daughter is extremely sensitive you might just want to try a very small area first. I will keep you posted if I see any improvement on Marissa. Take Care! Heidy
Thank you Heidi!!
O's head is much better since stopping Luxiq but her hair is very brittle. It must be from the alcohol. We have an appt at the dermatologist this Friday so I will ask questions. Right now we'll probably go with nothing. We don't want to do needles or anything that will hurt her.

Hi Marry I am a father of a 2 year and 6 month old daughter. Who is suffering from Alopecia Areata It all began with a small spot and now my daughter has lost almost 85% of her hair we are very much worried and considering cortisone shots in the scalp, but she being so young we will have to give some oral sedation. The Dr says it may take 25 shots since the area is too large. The other alternative is Homeopathic treatment which we will start soon.

Any Dr who wants to put shots into a child is a sadist!!
Is having hair THAT important?? Seriously?
I told our Dr that we wouldn't consider shots and he immediately told me he would never on a child.
Give it some time.
Most of Olivia's hair fell out in a matter of weeks and now it's slowed down and we see some regrowth.
You can try the Luxiq. We didn't care for it because it dried out her scalp but the Dr said that it doesn't usually happen.
Please give it time..Do not do the shots!!!




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