I hope I am not out of line by posting this but I feel this is a great opportunity to get the word out about alopecia. There is a radio station here in Dallas having a contest called the March Baldness Contest. There are 64 contestants, two to a bracket. My 18 year old daughter who is AU has kept this a secret from everyone, even if it meant not being their friend anymore. She started loosing her hair at the age of 15. So when her older sister convinced her to enter this contest I was extremely surpised so I want her to win the contest so that something possible has happened because of her alopecia. There are only two girls in this contest the others are of course men. The radio station keeps urging listeners to go vote for your favorite bald MAN. This makes we want my daughter to win even more. So now I ask you to please go to the link below and vote for my daughter Eillischa, she is in bracket 16. She has "Bald is Beautiful" painted on her head.There are four rounds before the winner is announced. The voting on this bracket ends March 19, 2010. This is a legit contest and not a scam. Please go to the site and vote even if you chose not to use my link below. Spread the word, tell your friends. I will keep you posted on her progress!

I thank you all in advance!


Mansfield, TX

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I can not thank you all enough for supporting Eillischa! I want this to be something so possible for her I could just scream! I want her to be comfortable going out in public without her wig. She is a beautiful girl and she really impressed alot of people on Thursday night. I think by her winning it will give alot of attention to alopcia and women with it and how their lives are impacted by this disease.

I will keep everyone updated at the brackets change on Monday night. You may vote only once per day per computer/phone/ipod but you may vote everyday.

Thank you all again!!!

That's great to know that we can vote once a DAY, and not just once during the particular phase/bracket!
Scott is pulling ahead - 61% to 39%, a decrease for Ellischa this evening (Saturday). Send out word to your friends! Teresa - how much longer is there voting on this round?


I just posted this link via twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Google Buzz, LinkedIn, and every other social network that I'm a part of -- We all want to see your baby win!!

Thanks again to everyone who is voting. The voting for bracket 4 end at 6pm CT on Monday March 29 2010. I just can not figure out how he keeps getting such a big margin over Eillischa.

Ya are the best with all the positive comments. She has been reading them and is encouraged by hearing from other people. She has always kept this so secretive.

Keep voting and spreading the word!!

HI Teresa,

Don't feel bad. Who knows? He may be a member of union, a brotherhood, some fraternal or other group accessing a gigantic database. I wouldn't doubt it.

Eillischa has already won as far as we're concerned. She can always be extremely proud of doing something few women would ever do. And you can be sure that she has made an impression on so many. Everyone who logs on to see the photos is seeing HER photo. They have got to be wondering, what the???
So isn't that a good thing?

I wish she will win. I want her to get the prize. But if she doesn't, you will always know that she did something that will be her gift to herself long after the contest is over.

join our list at baldgirlsdolunch.org website
Teresa and Ellischa - we're all so proud of you! I read the comments on the radio voting page, and Ellischa has done a huge amount to make a lot of people aware of AA who probably had never heard of it.

Big hugs,
It is a beautiful day out! Today is the last day of voting for Eillischa in the bracket she is in. She is not ready for this to end but knows it has been a good experience for her. I am not sure what the guy she is up against has done but we do not seem to be getting anywhere and has been very frustrating. Thank you all again for supporting Eillischa!


Thanks again!!!

You can vote once a day, so if you haven't voted today....please vote.

The guy that's ahead of her sure can't be winning on his looks!

I wonder if all the supporters of men who've been eliminated are voting agains Ellischa because they want a man to win.

Ellischa - as so many of us have said, you're already a big winner for doing this!

Well Eillischa did not advance to the next bracket. But like so many of you have said, she is a winner in my heart and in so many others. She put herself out there which is something I never thought she would do. Everyone's suppport has been wonderful. I am hoping to get her on here. I have always thought she needed someone to talk to that has experienced what she has.

Everyone of you are beautiful and we will all work to get bald women accepted.

Thank you again for all that you did to help get votes for Eillischa. It will always be remembered.

Mansfield, TX
I've only just found your posts as I haven't been on alopecia world for a while. I'm sorry I missed the voting! Eillischa has shown such courage and determination in going public with her alopecia...I am very impressed with her, she is a wonderful example of a beautiful alopecian woman. I hope she does come to alopecia world eventually and see she is not alone - there are so many of us out there!



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