hi, my names tiaira im 16 and im a 10th grader in high school. i've recently found out that i have alopecia a few days ago and i don't even know where to go from here? everyone tells me it will be okay but i don't see it that way no one really understands? at school people look at me very different and treat me as if im dying or something, i've never had to face anything like this in my life. Any advice would be great!

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Hi Tiaira,

I actually did the spray thing for a while and not only is it costly and ruined almost everything I touched if I wasn't too careful, I looked at the ingredients on the label, researched them and found out how harmful they are. I used the spray like a week later hesitantly, pretending I could forget what I just learned... I ended up just letting it go. The spray particles are pretty much invisible so u don't realize how much you breathe them. It used to be mixed in my mucous when I would blow my nose and just everywhere until you brushed it with damp hands and could see a smear. I know HS can be hard, but I'd encourage you to really contemplate your choices - maybe a switch up between a buzz cut, wig, and head wrap.

Wish I had more helpful advice on solutions but I'd say be careful about the spray. xo



I'm sorry. My daughter first lost her hair when she was three and a half when she started pre-k she had no hair at all. At the time I buzzed my hair to help her have someone that looked like her. She grew her eyelashes and eyebrows back and most of her hair during Kindergarten and so I let mine grow back as well. Now she is in First grade and it is falling out again rather quickly. She has already told me that when she looses the last of it she wants me to shave my head again. I will. It is a mean disease. She gets picked on some but she holds her head high and stays the sweetest kid I know. She doesn't like to wear a wig she says it itches. The Buff scarves are pretty cool she likes to wear them sometimes because they are soft and cool designs. This site is wonderful to be able to vent and find support. You will find what works for you. I tell my daughter to never forget "You are Beautiful."

Wow Suzanne, your post makes my tears coming down. You are a very good and brave mom! My son gradually lost his hair over a 3 month period. He hung on to his last couple of hairs and wouldn't let me shave him. He was brave enough to say that he knew all of his hair would be gone one day, but he would like to keep them for as long as he could. Now all his hairs are gone, it is very tough on me, he still smiles and goes to school every day, he is nine.

thats so supportive most people wouldnt look at it this way so thanks

Suzanne ~

WOW!!! I'm speechless! What a wonderful way to show your support! You and your daughters are beautiful!!

Hi Tiaira you may like to join the teen group here, but you've already had some wonderful replies.

Well i was a freshman when i found out and belive me it was no walk in the park i could hide it by putting my hair up untill my jounior year i am now a senior and i have almost compleatly accepted who i am you need to stand up and be happy with who you are you are a beautiful person and you need to accept that before anyone else can. You need to tell people you are not dying and will not anytime soon. Oncepeople see that you are proud of who you are they will back down and they will be understaning. (: if you ever need anything you can message me (:

I don't know what type of Alopecia you have but if you have Alopecia Areta and only a few spots i use something called X-fusion to fill in the spots. It is a powder, at times it can get a little annoying becaue it smudges and gets noticible but all u need to do is brush it

wow this is amazing im going to get this asap!...thanks hunni:)

no problem, good luck hope it works well for u. One more think, I am also getting injections every six weeks so you are prob. going to have to find a way to take care of your alopecia so it won't get way worse though it has its weeks its up and its weeks its down.....
But at least the powder will solve your issue now

were the injections painful



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