Hi everyone
I have a long story.
It all started within a week or two of falling pregnant with my third child. Well the alopecia didn't but my immune system problem. Which I didn't realise at that point. I had got the tiniest spot of eczema- less than the size of a 5p coin. But within weeks and months this spot of eczema spread across my arm to my other. Than slowly slowly took over my entire body. Hands, torso, back, neck, legs and even on my head. It's form mutated and I had so many different diagnosis for it. I even had to going into a&we when I got an really bad staph infection as I was pregnant at that point. I still had my hair on my head at that point. But I did notice that my leg hair and armpit hair were thinning and almost completely gone, which at that point, I thought was a good thing?! But I didn't realise it was the beginning of worse things to come. Anyway I suffered this terrible eczema from head to toe throughout my pregnancy. But then I had my baby. Doctors had told me that it may go after I have the baby... But it never. When my baby was five months I noticed a clear patch on my scalp. A nurse said it could be alipecia and told me to book an appointment . I asked my husband who came with me, mainly for my eczema appointment, what is alopecia? I had no idea and never heard of that word before! Soon after my hair just came out in my hand. Bundles! Till I became bald. My eyebrows and eyelashes too fell out. I looked an oddly sight. I hid my hair well my head from even my husband. Luckily I'm a Muslim and I wear a headscarf in public so my head was well hidden and my eyebrows were not as noticeable as I tugged my scarf up to my eyebrows. Well I went hospital after a referral. Had all the blood test. Negative. Nothing wrong with me. The consultant said there is little they can do and offered through the nhs, a subsidised wig!!! I was devastated.
I searched for cures on the net. None of those garbage money making ones. But natural stuff. I always ended up coming back to prophetic medicines.
I'd also like to mention here that I also had stopped sweating from the time I fell pregnant. As you can see my immune system was going hay wire. I also never had pins and needles anymore.
Anyway a few things I ended up trying to cut this long story short
Black seed, Manuka honey (although I want to get hold of Yemeni honey) and apple cider vinegar. These were mentioned by the prophet Mohammad peace be upon him as well as in the Quran. The black seed or nigella seed (khali zeera) is said to be a cure for every disease except death.
I tried the black seed oil at first on my skin for eczema but that didn't work well. But I read up more on this. Till I realised that it needed to be the seed and not the oil. I started taking 7, yes only 7, tiny black seeds three times a day, and start my day with a cup of warm water mixed with honey on an empty stomach as well as my first dose of black seed. They are so cheap in the Asian food stores, the black seed, not the honey, you couldn't finish them in a lifetime.
Well how I realised something was happening wa a when I first took honey and not the black seed I realised some hair growth on my legs within a few days. I probably was the only woman on the planet to be excited about having hairy legs! But when I started to also take black seed the vey next day when I was hoovering I felt hot and sweaty! Yes sweaty! I realised how I never sweated for two years! Never had to use deodorant cos I simply didn't smell as I never sweated for so long. It makes sense how by not sweating I'm keeping all the toxins in my body. Soon my eyebrows and eyelashes started growing, which I was glad as that was most visible to the world. All the while I left my trust in My Lord too. Knowing that this is a cure from Him. And I recited the Quran a lot and also listened to it as I too found that there is healing in the Quran.
I was glad too because my efforts of drawing eyebrows were rubbish despite YouTube tutorials and buying tonnes of stencils.
My scalp hair is growing gradually. I think it's taking longer as my eczema totally took over my scalp and was grey and infected. So that had to cure first and I am getting lots of new hair everyday in my scalp. Some of the first hairs are about two or three inches now.i thank Allah for helping me through this and guiding me to the cure. I hope that some would research into the black seed and give it a try. And most of all be patient.