Ladies, I have to share with you what I just found out. Last month I had my IUD, Mirena, removed after having it for three years. I lost my hair last year, Nov. '07. Although I went to many doctors to try and find the reason that I was losing my hair not one mentioned the IUD side effects of hair loss. Well, as crazy as it sounds after just one month I have regrowth for the first time since this happened. So, it got me thinking, could my alopecia been caused by Mirena? Thanks to Google I found so many websites that helped me answer that question. So many women have lost their hair because of this birth contol. I know for many of you this info won't be of any use to you, but please remember my story and you might just save one woman from remaining bald for no reason! And by the way, hair loss is only one of the many awful side effects from this drug; Mirena should be researched by anyone considering it as birth control. I will keep posting to let all know if my hair is really going to come back now! Peace peeps!

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Hi I first noticed I was losing hair after going on the pill...4 yrs ago I lost 90% of my hair, in April I started taking kiri hormone balance tablets and not iv got around 80% of regrowth it's coming through thick and fast I just prey it's the tablets and not just the Alopecia cycle. I am also taking well woman original once a day...just thought I would share!
I agree with you that I think the contraceptive I was on was the cause of my Alopecia starting, the only time iv had full growth is during my pregnancies...

Just hoping you reply seeing this is an old post...I too got the Mirana on 4-2-15 & taken out 11-20-15 because I had sudden patches of baldness/alopecia.My hair appears to be coming back from what I can see & everyone is telling me in the spots on the back of my head.Did your hair come back entirely?I'm also still nursing my baby who is almost 10 months old so I cant try Rograine...I let my hair on my legs grow to see if I noticed any patches & sure enuf I do.

Hi Chenelle - can you tell me if your hair stopped balding and if it grew back?  I'm going through the same thing :(

Use wigs to make your own hairstyle is also a special method

I was losing hair sorta thinning all over but more at the front so in a way it looks fine but there wasn't a lot of it and my hairline and sides have got very thin by year 5 I started noticing bad breakage and poor condition of my hair at front and I thought I was going to lose it before my wedding.

 The Mirena IUD coil was due out in May 2016 but I got it removed in November 2015. Im not sure if my hair has recovered but the damage isn't as bad as it was and I don't think the hair fall is as bad. Has anyone had this experience ?

Yes - I have had the same thing!  How is your hair now?  Is it growing back? Or stopped shedding?  I had Mirena for 40 days - started losing hair at 4 weeks - now 2 weeks out and still losing major hair - is there any hope for me?

I realize you posted this in 2009, I am in a similar situation as you were, had the Mirena placed and within 6 months I had a small bald patch that I put off as stress related then as time passed the patch got bigger and I had multiple bald patches ranging in size from a quarter to an egg. I forced my Dr to take the IUD out and within a week I had peach fuzz growing in. I took the doctors recommendation to see a Dermatologist and had my first round of injections-I can't say it did anything for me as I am still losing hair around the perimeter of my patches. How is your hair now? Did it grow back and stay?
Hey, EastCoast! I can not believe it has been since 2009 since I wrote that. To answer your question, yes. My hair grew back on my head and my eyelashes and eyebrows. It is way thinner than before I lost it all but I am able to wear it down or up. I color it and cut it like I used to. Don't get me wrong, it scares the crap out of me every shower when I see the hair that has fallen out. I never got the hair back on my legs or arms. Kind of convenient but it also makes me feel like I am not totally healed or out of the woods for it to happen all over again. Thanks for taking the time to write. I wish you nothing but the best, positive thoughts and vibes coming your way! Keep us updated on your regrowth!!!

Hi EastCoast - any update on your hair growth?  I am going through the same thing!  I had it in for 40 days and started losing hair on the 4th week - it has been out for 2 weeks and it is still coming out in clumps!  

My patches have filled in for the most part, no new spots have started. I feel like I have overall thinning of my hair but I could just be overreacting, every wash/brush I have hair come out which I feel is more than normal but as I said I could be overreacting now that I am so conscious of it. I only had one round of the injections as the dermatologist felt on my second visit that I was in the clear.

Thank you for replying - I am happy that your hair is growing back.  I dont think you are over reacting - there are so many complaints about this and that evil device called Mirena!  Take care.

Another Mirena victim in the UK, I had the coil fitted approx 4 years ago and it come out (obviously a warning sign) then my GP re-fitted it, I've been to my GP practice monthly and not one GP has ever suggested that the coil maybe the culprit for my hair loss! I came across this website by accident and I'm so glad I did. I had the coil taken out 3 weeks ago now but the hairloss still continues, I've spent thousands of pounds on cures, wigs etc over the last 4 years and I've lost all respect for my GP's
4 years of hell! Blood tests showed nothing but extremely low potassium levels where I spent 3 days in hospital with a drip another side effect of the 'Mirena' I was told off my GP I was just stressed, I've even taken the hair that's come out after the dreaded shower and took it into the doctors office with frustration! I've had painful joints, depression anxiety I've probably spent 3 of the 4 years in bed, I just couldn't be bothered whatsoever, I only got out of my 'pit' for essentials. Why did I not get the connection earlier I just do not know??? Anyway as for information about side effects for the coil I recieved none they just fit it here in the UK but I have an appointment with my wonderful GP on Friday morning and I will be letting her know about my findings, hopefully I will have calmed down, please keep your fingers crossed for me. On another note to all you wonderful ladies out there 'how long will it be till my hair starts to grow? and what is this Mirena crash thing? I still haven't had a 'period' either??? Blessings to you all. xxx



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