How strange is this, I have lost my hair on my head in patches and the ophiasis pattern over the last several years, my hair will take months of falling out and then months of being gone and finally growing back. I lost most of the hair on my legs, and most of my eyebrows, I never had much hair on my arms, but I think I have less. Well this is the weird part, what little I had left of my eyebrows has fallen out yesterday, but my hair on my head is almost completely grown back, it is thickening up and the bottom areas are almost filled in (always the last to grow back) Now we all know about AT where they have no hair on the head at all, but have eyebrows and eyelashes and body hair. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm trying not to worry that this means my hair will just fall out again shortly, I use Minoxidil on my scalp, and decided today to try on eyebrow area, has anyone had any luck with it there? This is so odd, and I haven't read of anyone else having this particular pattern, I'm wondering if this means I'll become AU, as I have so much of my body hair gone? Thanks for any input on this.