Since I have already posted a Music Therapy blog (feel free to add to it)...let's go for the movies one can rent for indoor viewing now that the weather is changing. Any good recommendations on spirit-lifting flicks for alopecians? Things that inspire professionally, personally, or socially? Maybe some of us will invite friends or loved ones over to GET A CLUE from these movies....

Tell the basic theme of the movie without giving away the turning point or ending, perhaps listing top actors or year the film came out.

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A few of my favorite movies are Letters to Juliet, The Notebook, Blind Side, They are all good movies :)
Aimee thats too funny I look at hair all the time, When I am out in public, I am in cosmetology class and it is all I see and focus on all day long. So I live and breath hair and like I said Everywhere I go I Iook at hair I do not look at faces its hair. Then I get upset when I see someone with a head of thick hair but do not take care of it.
Kimberly, I think the same thing concerning peoples health..I have terrible health, and I know so many ppl with great health, not taking care of their bodies..and it seems so unfair.
Aimee- I see beautiful bald women, and think, "She's so beautiful. I wish I could be as beautiful as her, so I won't be ugly when all my hair falls out :( " I think if I spend my money on "cosmetic" ANYTHING, it won't be for those injections.but rather, for taking care of my skin/complexion!
Eyebrow, eye shadow, liner, lashes, blush, lipstick, unique hat, big earrings, suit jacket...instant wow!
We can "Go Hollywood" too, yes?
Yes - I'm so much more aware of my eye makeup and earrings and even my clothes now that I'm bald....
Yes, Diana! Come over to the dark side. I need to be able to justify my new makeup addiction by saying "everyone else is doing it". See, Diana just bought a bunch of stuff toooo, it's not ONLY me.

P.S.: Sephora is having a 20% off holiday event this weekend for VIBs. I'll post in the Makeup group. (Nuthin' like a 'lil peer pressure, eh?)
I'll have to check it out :)

quick answer: no. 

long answer. i am constantly looking at girls hair, in movies and in real life. it can get quite obsessive at times. its really hard especially when a person (or actress) with beautiful hair is complaining about their hair when i would just kill to have even half the amount of hair they did. 

sometimes i have dreams too, where i grow long beautiful hair almost instantly and then i wake up and for a moment i think that my hair's grown back but then i realize it hasn' heartbreaking! 

i guess i haven't reached a level of acceptance yet. 

If you watch Downton Abbey, you can get into hats! Google "cloche hats" online.

Movies For Baldies..... hmmm. Well, I suppose no-one from this site is gonna be renting out "Hair" any time soon... "this is the dawning of the age of no-hairy-us", tra-la-la.... :)
Ones that you MIGHT want to watch to make you feel good about the bald thing include... 1) the original Star Trek film from '79 (the one with the bald woman playing the Enterprise navigator... I dare anyone to say that she didn't look fabulous), 2) G.I. Jane (Demi Moore showing that gals can do anything as well as the boys, including look good bald), 3) THX 1138 (a whole society of bald peeps - even if everyone was drugged and manipulated by the "leaders"), 4) My Sister's Keeper (more than a touch depressing - after all, it's got Cameron Diaz in it - but it shows that being bald is the least of your worries), and of course there's re-runs of good ole Kojak, which finally showed that Baldies aren't always Baddies.
Next year, I may well try and produce my own movie, "The Adventures of Baldman", in which a bald guy has to try and foil a misguided plot by RJ and Cheryl to make everyone on the planet lose their hair and promote Follicle Equality. But half way through, they buy him off with a mega-million-dollar payoff (are you listening, you two??) and he goes on a fortnight's holiday instead. The rest of the film shows hairdressers around the world throwing themselves from tall buildings and under trucks as their livelihoods come crashing down around their ears, while Alopecia World becomes bigger than Facebook as the human race try to get answers to such momentous questions as, "where do I stop when I wash my face??", and RJ and Cheryl succeed in their bid for Global Domination.
Watch this space.... ;)
( :-)



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