I just accepted a new job at my same company, that requires I move from New York City to Denver. I'm super excited for this new position and also at the prospect of living somewhere else for a while and seeing what adventures Denver has to offer. I'm in my early 40's and was just diagnosed this year, and have progressed to AU in the last couple of weeks. I'm in a committed relationship, but I will be going there alone (going to maintain a LDR for a while until we make a decision on where I will end up). I play sports and already reached out to find some teams and leagues so I won't miss a step and start building the friend network.

At work, as I've written before, I don't feel a need to tell anyone. As for my friends, here in NYC, I've told most everyone (well they could see it happening, since it happened so fast). When I'm at the gym, around town, etc., I usually wear a buff, and when I'm at work, going out someplace nice (like for dinner, drinks, etc.), I'll wear a wig. I'm wondering about if and how to tell the people who will be my new friends - specifically those who would see me in both modes - buff and wig. I'm sure I'll know what to do when it happens, but I'm wondering if should I tell them or don't bother. Has anyone been in a similar situation?


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So excited for you, I've never been to Denver, but I think it's beautiful there, I live in the pacific northwest, but have lived in western Montana also, I think it is somewhat similar, I think you will love it! I would be excited myself to start over somewhere new, Im wearing a wig now everywhere, so I think I'd like to explore new options for my hair and styles, maybe do something totally different, I choose to be pretty open about my AA, but like you said, everyone saw it happening, I have run into some who I haven't seen on a daily basis, and got some compliments on my hair, which is nice, I chose to go with something very much like my bio hair cut and style, to be less obvious.....I think I'd go a little crazy with it, given the chance. You decision to tell or explain is so personal, you have to do what suits you, I think you'll just know when the time comes.

Hi Bekindto Earth. Congratulations on the new job, that is really exciting. I would not think that you had to discuss your hair with everyone, but you will probably get a better feel of what to do once you are there and who you can be open with.



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