Hello, everyone. I am new to this, and am hoping to get a lil more info and some help about ALopecia.. About 9 months ago, my 7 y/o daughter Kaylie, starting losing her hair. SHe now has about 4 bald spots all over her head the size of golf balls. But its compelety bald, with no hair folicals at all!! ANd they are expanding in size rapidly!

We fianlly got into see a specialts on this past Tuesday. She wants to do a biospy on my daughters head, along with starting her on steroid shots. I told her of course my husband and i would have to think about this, we have tryed 2 types of steroid creams in the past, and nothing has helped sp far. I am extremly heart brokern for her, and i dont know if i can put her through all of this..

My question is, unlike Alopecia Areata, where your hair does grow back. Is there other types?? Is it possibly more than what i think?? please help, i dont know what to do..

THanks again, Charlene

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SHe also said it is not ALopecia Areata... ANd she has no signs of scarring so she is ruling out dermitis as well
Please go to the NAAF site and get as much information as possible. The steroids shots work for some people some of the time. I am not sure why she does not think it is alopecia areata, that is what it sounds like. It can progress and it may not, it is very unpredicatable. Life goes on and you will deal with it. Try not to be too upset in front of your daughter. I feel your pain, my daughter's condition started in highschool. She is a happy, well adjusted college freshman having a little too much fun at the moment.
Thanks so much =),and i actually dont talk about it at all w~my 7 year old. Thats what i didnt understand as well. (Inregards to the alopecia areata) SHe said something like, because she has absoutly no hair folicals,???? She said her hair is not showing any progress. lol,, sounds like your daughter is enjoying college! =)
i first noticed alopecia when i was about eleven or twelve, a bald patch on eyebrow it went away with cortico-steroid cream and never returned until 2006 ,in 2006 i was under imense stress that year, AU came back i used cortico steroids, i tried both centralized shots to specific areas a little came back and left again and at different time directly took shots to butox , direct to butox for about 7 months or so. it is a strong drug, my hair did come back using steroid injections up to about 95% of the way.on the 7th month or so I came down with a severe allergic reaction to steroid I was emmediatley taken off the drug cold turkey, lost all hair in one month afterwards. I personally believe our problem is either bacterial or viral in nature that to me explains why very young to old alike, stressed or unstressed can get this very weaird desease.. did you know hemroids are caused by the pyoily virus not stress as suspected for countless years in the past? for more research information on bacteriality and immunal deseases google marshall protocal and read the articles for all there worth. well hope this helps in some way. Good Luck!
Research about Children's Alopecia Project. They are your best bet! Don't subject your daughter to all these "treatments" and tests. She is young enough that if you work on her self-esteem, all will be well! My daughter is 6 and going to the summer camp made all the difference in the world!!!

I am looking into a hair system for my daughter.  Most people love them and you can swim in them and do all activities.  Good luck.

You can apply at wigs for kids or another site and get a free wig made for her.  If she has enough hair they will make her a hair piece.


My daughter was 8 when she got her first spot.  It was Nov of 2011.  A dermatologist started her on steroid creams and  rogaine but it only got worse.  By the start of the next school year, she had to wear a wig.  We took her to Cleveland Clinic and agreed to try shots.  They were terrible and did not work.  We were also working with a holistic doctor to clear her of food allergies, which was successful.  She became totalis, so we decided to use DPCP and after a year the dosage created a reaction and she began to grow hair.  She now has a full head of hair, minus a few stubborn spots.

Keep the faith and continue to fight while building self esteem.... 



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