I was originally diagnosed with telogen effluvium 4 yrs ago after I had my son. 10 months ago the hairloss started rapidly again and now the dr says it's alopecia areata. I have been a complete mess for months, as soon as I wake up in the morning I have a panic attack and all throughout the day I cry. So today my husband rode with me to go tanning and while I was tanning he told me he was gonna get his hair trimmed. They cut hair where I tan at. So when I got done tanning, I came out and my husband was waiting for me but he had a hat on which I thought was odd since he just got his haircut! He took his hat off and my mouth dropped and I began sobbing, he had the barber shave his head completely bald!!!! He said if I have to go bald so is he! I have to mention that my husband had beautiful hair too! I love this man soooo much....I tear up even writing this now! What an amazing husband and support system I have. I don't know how I would get through this without him!

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Hey Kelly, that is awesome!! I am so happy to hear that you have such a wonderful support system - it helps soooo much when on this journey. My hubby and kids offered to do the same thing, but to hear that he actually went and did it, especially the way he did it, is just fantastic :) Just take everything else day by day and know that you are beautiful!
Thanks, he told me when this first started that he would but I don't think I could've let him because I would feel bad. That's why he did it while I was tanning so I couldn't stop him. I'm a total mess some days but what can you do? Nobody can stop alopecia so I guess exceptance is the only cure. It still amazes me that a perfectly healthy person can just start losing all their hair for no reason and that drs can't do anything about it. Hopefully I will get through this nightmare eventually. I'm happy to hear that your husband and kids are so supportive too!
Wow! That is so wonderful. Listen Kelly, try to stay strong,because the thing about AA is your hair can grow back. Many people hair grow back and they don't have any more problems. Most of those people moved on from this site, but the numbers are large. Some people grow and lose their hair a few times. At least there is hope. At first a dermatologist told me I had traction alopecia, which does not grow back,because it is a scaring alopecia. It turned out I did not have traction alopecia, I had AA . I was so relief, because I knew there was hope. Well my hair has been growing . Hats and cover-ups since 2009. You are so blessed to have a wonderful supportive husband. I really think my husband had a lot to do with my hair growing back. He is my rock, he keeps me stress free. Stress affect our immune system, so it's important to try to keep the level low.

Thanks so much for your encouraging advise, it means alot to me! I do try to think positive but sometimes it's so hard with all the negative that happening right now =( I think dealing with alopecia would be alot easier to cope with if we just knew what to expect. I have good days and than really bad days but it's starting to sink in that I do have this disease and I am trying harder to be a little more proactive now. Having you guys to confide in is a blessing! It's so hard to explain what we go through to someone who's not going through it....they can't really relate as much. Actually though, having alopecia has made my husband and I even closer and I've had the opportunity to talk with amazing people on this group so at least something good has come out of this whole thing!
I am so sorry that you had to go through that alone, I am a train wreck now and I have people supporting me so I couldn't imagine going through this alone. I think alopecia definitely tests our strength and we certaintly come out stronger in the end! If you ever want to talk just write me. My family is from Italy so that's pretty cool that's where you are! I have a huge family =) I hope things are a little better for you now and don't forget if you ever need to talk message me anytime.
Hello - that is so beautiful - thank youx



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