My aunty told me lastnight that because im bald if she didnt know me she would think im a lesbian,aarrrrggghhh that made me so mad and re evaluate if i like alopecia or not.anyone been told this?

My aunty told me lastnight that because im bald if she didnt know me she would think im a lesbian,aarrrrggghhh that made me so mad and re evaluate if i like alopecia or not.anyone been told this?

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Your family member must be related to quite a few of mine. I have been told the same thing. My response is always, "I''d rather be bald than homophobic."

But it changes how I feel about this people....
Let her know that what she said is very hurtful to you. Some people just don't have a clue about what they say.
If she then acts insensitive or acts like you are overreacting then you may want to distance yourself from her. You can pick your nose and your friends but unfortunately not your family. It is best not to pick your friends nose.
people have told me that and all i did was just brush it off because you know who you are and what your not
My hair is in the process of growing back out. It is a real short cut, and yes I did have someone I worked with tell me the first time we met she thought I was a Lesbian. It is frustrating, but people are just stupid. Just stay beautiful and carry yourself well, and ignore the ignorant people.
I have alopecia and have worn wigs for over 20 years...I shave my head, because it looks better that way...yes...people in my family tell OTHER PEOPLE that I am a lesbian...I must be, because I: (1) shave my head; (2) am not married -- anymore, and (3) live in my own home that I am paying for with the proceeds of the two jobs that I work.

I often wonder if I shaved my head and was the town slut what they would say?
hahahahahahahahaha........I LOVE IT!!!! u must be my other half...............
Bwahahahahahaaa! @Cynthia, this is too funny. I have practically the same story. Apparently, being choosey about a mate and controlling one's reproduction automatically makes one lesbian. Me and my sister laugh about this on regular basis.
HAHAH!!! Awesome comment about the slut.

I wear wigs. My neighbor told me once when he saw me coming back in from a run in the park where I wasn't wearing a wig but a red head tie thing that I had a pretty face and I should consider shaving my head.
He thought all my hair was up in the scarf. I was like "thanks!"
then he added "of course it might make it hard for you to get dates since people would probably think you are gay"
Which is really the truth, people think that. It sucks. I am sorry your aunt said that to you. I think that people think they can say things when you are handling things well, but they have no idea how much energy and courage it takes to get to that point. Then they start making stupid comments and it sets us back.
I am sorry.

On another note, I am sure there are people in my family who think I am gay because I am not married, live alone and never talk about dating or anything. But I haven't been on but three dates in three years, and alopecia def doesn't help. :-/
Well I've been called a lesbian for years, probably because I like sports. Funny thing is I havent been called it since I've had alopecia!!
Hillary.........haven't had much time to come on site, but after reading this..I rude of your aunt to say that and I believe you need to tell her how you feel....get straight to the point in the most loving of ways. She must either not know how psychological living with alopecia is or just downright rude....that is very insensitive...she's obviously comfortable enough with you to tell you that...not sure how old you as time is of the essence in my life...but you need to BE FREE TO BE ME...remember that....keep repeating that...and if I was in your position...wanna know what I would feel..I would feel hurt and rejected....BUT now that I think even more, I have an aunt that I am very very close to and if she said that to me....I would laugh at it and probably give her some proof to make her believe I would totally depend on how she said it and how close we are.......people reap what they sow anyway...and if you walk in love with every breath you take...there is nothing in this world that you cannot overcome...courage, boldness, compassion, determined...we alopecians are all that and more
Seriously when I read this I laughed out loud! If she correlates not having hair with being a lesbian I feel sorry for her. Some times people just are ignorant and don't understand. I wear a rubber bracelet on my wrist that says "awareness". It is not specific to any disease, problem, or issue. Just "awareness". Because everyone has something, it can be a physical, emotional, or psycological problem. No one is perfect. Truely ours is just hair. I forget I look like I do a lot of the time!
That is something I hear all the time - if I am seen out in public with any girl (sister, friend, whatever) and run into a casual acquaintance, some of them will ask if we are "together" some just look back and forth trying to figure it out. or will just speculate to mutual friends and it gets back to me.



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