*sigh* Let me preface by saying that as a Mom I have had AA for the last 3 years.

Last week a friend of mine (who did not know I had AA or knew what is was) told me about a missing patch of hair on her 5 yr. old daughter's head. She described it to be the size of a dime. It appeared out of nowhere.

So, I hesitantly launched into my own history...and what I went through to find out what I could about AA. I also told her about autoimmune clusters....since I also have Hashimoto's and I'm gluten intolerant. I guess it was a bit of information for her to absorb. I tried to explain it simply. I haven't share my AA story with many people. Just my sister and brother...and some close friends.....although they haven't actually seen the bald patches....esp. the super large ones.

This morning I dropped my daughter off at Pre-K (she's in the same class and friend's with the little girl). I went over to my daughter's friend and sure enough....saw the dime sized patch. Classic circle....no hairs on it, right on the top of her head. I was immediately pained for her.

My journey with AA has been such an emotional roller coaster. Even going gluten-free was difficult. I'm no longer bothered about being GF. But the AA still gets me. The unpredictability is what drives me crazy. And the shedding.....and just the overall feeling of not really having control about what happens.

I admit, I do get a bit anxious when I find hair on the floor that belongs to my 2 daughters. I'm always checking their heads after showers....paranoid....I can't help it.

My heart goes out to all of you parents. My heart goes out to everyone who has had AA touch their lives.

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I dont have alopecia but my 3 yr old son does. I too am paranoid whatever my 2 yr old little girl sheds hair or looks like she has a bald spot! She has really thin hair so her spilt looks like its balding. Im so glad im not the only mom out there who gets like this! WHOA make sme feel sane! LOL! THX! you put me at ease. Good luck with your friends little girl! Breaks my heart :(



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