Gee just when you think you are getting used to this thing called Alopecia the eyebrows start to go.....YOu know that actually freaks me out more than the hair on the head. I am so used to my wigs now but the eyebrows starting to goooooooooo......

I didn't have much eyebrows to begin with. What did you guys do when you first started to lose eyebrows? Did you book an appointment with someone who knew what they were doing to help you draw on eyebrows? I was an over zealous plucker in my teenage years so not a heck of a lot grew back. That was fine with me. I never felt comfortable penciling in the eyebrows either. Now I am going to need to do something. What are you suggestions? I need eyebrows!


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i use eyebrow tattoos they last a couple days..they are like the tattoos you wear when your a kid much waaaaay better they are pretty amazing and sooooo easy to put on you can just google them and they have them on many just put them on with water i love them
You know Amber I was just looking at the temporary tattoo eyebrows and was going to put up a post asking if anyone had tried them. I saw some eybrows that were shapped like mine too.... Still have the eyebrows right now. ONe is a little thin but it isn't super obvious yet. Was definitely thinking about the temp eyebrows for sure. Are they had to get on straight?
they are pretty easy to use and have a template on the other side so you get them straight...
when i started loosing my eyebrows, my friend came over and she looked at me and said, "what the hell did you do to your eyebrows!!!?" i was like, "i think its my alopecia..wth :(" she told me to go get them tattood right away, i waited for a month or so, and it got worse, 1 was alomost completly gone, and i was drawing them with pencil. I HATED it, i hated getting out of the shower with no hair, and no brows!!! so.. I made an appointment to get them tatood!! I am soooo glad i did! its been a year and 1/2 and still nothing has grown back, so I'm so glad i did it right away! and i love them love them love them!!! you dont have to worry about it anymore! it's just there!!! :)
good luck! I hope you decide to do it, it s so worth it!!! :)
Hi Lori,

I have a hair cut client that uses human hair eyebrows that he pays about $40 per pair and they stay on for 3 to 5 days. He has used the same pair for over a year. You can go to to find out more.

Carmen West Hairdresser
Hi Lori,

I have a hair cut client that uses human hair eyebrows that he pays about $40 per pair and they stay on for 3 to 5 days. He has used the same pair for over a year. You can go to to find out more.

Carmen West Hairdresser
Hi, I know what you mean. I have lost my eyebrows & lashes now, it is harder than the loss of the hair. at least you can wear a wig. the eyes and brows, people look at me differently , but it is what it is.
I tired fake lashes too funny, they stuck together like Lucille Ball did on the show, I love lucy,,,,,,,,,too funny............

Have a great day.
Hi Denise,
Working with clients that have alopecia, I see lots of women without eyebrows and eyelashes. I have had some luck with Double Lash and Brow, if there was some hair growth. This product works in about 6 weeks and cost about $30. The ladies that have used this DL&B began to see some growth in about 4 weeks. The hair grows back enough to keep things out of their eyes. I still have a few, if you are interested in giving it a try. You can email me at or call my cell 850-712-3369.

Carmen West, Hairdresser
Hi Lori,

There is a company outside of Houston, TX called Head Covers Unlimited that have natural hair eyebrows that glue on; last up to 5 days, before you need to reglue. You can go to to check them out. If you email me at I have a picture of a guy wearing the eyebrows. From what I understand they cost around $40. He told me he has had the same pair for almost a year.
Carmen West, Hairdresser



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