So over 3 months ago I found this rash on the back of my thigh. Its was circular and REALLY itchy. A month later after OTC creams and Benedryl and everything else didnt work, I went to a CVS minute Clinic. I was told there I had ring worm and was put on steroid cream and anti fungal cream. Another month later and it getting worse I went to the doctors. He told me I DO have ringworm and gave me some antifungal cream and 2 types of pills. Now ANOTHER month later and using ALL the cream and taking ALL the pills, I STILL have this rash, and it has spread to other parts of my thighs. Its raised up high and SUPER itchy. I went to the doctor yesterday and they told me "well we dont believe its ring worm anymore" and they asked me if I've changed soap, laundry detergents, traveled, which were all a no. So they put me on Claritan, Zantac 500mg (apparently its not only a heartburn medication, but a H2 blocker...something to do with allergies) and the pill I hate with a passion, Steroids. 60mg for 7 days, which I guess I can deal with. I was on them for a few months with a Crohn's Disease flair up and I had HORRIBLE side effects and had to be taken off them. Then tomorrow Im going to see a allergist, because now they believe its a allergy. But if it was, wouldn't it be all over, not just on the back of my thighs? So if its not an allergy, I have to see a Dermatologist and they will have to do a skin biopsy.

Has anyone ever had ANYTHING like this happen before? I have Ecezma, so I know its not that. The doctors are just looking extremely confused and seem to be of no help. Showers make the itching worse, and cream is literally sucked up the second I put it on. It is SO dry, when I walk,sit, bend over, my skin stretches and feels like its going to rip, it hurts SO bad. ANYTHING could be of help...thanks!

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Do you think you might have gotten bit by a tick, that maybe it could be Lyme Disease? It gives a circular rash and you could get some bad symptoms from it and maybe you got an allergic reaction to it besides. I wouldn't be surprised if all those creams and drugs are making it worse. It wouldn't hurt to be tested for Lyme or something else in the blood that might be causing it. Did you have any blood tests?
No, they just kept saying "its ringworm" until monday when they finally decided its not ringworm. Im going in an hour to see the allergist, hopefully they can find out what it is. I know all the steroid and antifungal creams didnt do ANYTHING for it at all. I havent had a tick on me in years, but I guess it couldnt hurt to get tested for it. Thanks for the reply!
Hi Tamara, Something unusalu happen to me too...I have never had any skin disorders, but ever since i have this alopecia I have a weird itchy rash on my foot..That look similar to prickly heat tht has not gone away since..I too have been using antifungals and nothing seems to work..The derm says it is unrelated and it is dermatitis, but i dont know..
Well they did a biopsy on the back of my thigh. The numbing shot hurt more than the biopsy! The doctor thinks its something immune-related, since I already have Alopecia and Crohn's and Eczema (All immune disorders). I think the Prednizone (steroids) are helping, it seems to be fading and I'm not constantly itching my thighs. I go back on Wednesday for a check up and the results, hopefully its just all gone and done with!!



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