It's been year now since I have AA. I shaved my head in September. I started wearing a wig, but it just didn't feel right... Now I am wearing hats and head scarves, and taking them off when I'm around people I feel comfortable with. I work as a teacher and my school kids (8 yo) have been so supportive and I never felt different. Of course it has been hard and I am still trying to be fully happy with AA and finally go bald in public. But I can say for sure - it has changed my life absolutely (in a positive way). The way I think and understand life and myself, is very different. From deep depression and suicidal thoughts I have turned my life in to something wonderful and I am quite happy where I am now.   

The key is to love yourself and to understand that having no hair will never change your possibilities in life. You can do anything, you have no limits. Live your life and enjoy every moment of it!

Love you all


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Thank you ingaEglite. That's what we are all shooting for and trying to pass on to each other on this site. Nice to read positive things once and a while.



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