I have read up about a few things that are supposed to work for hair regrowth, so I am going to start my own personal trial.  I have tried the pharmacy held stuff years ago with little help, so now Im going to try the following:



1.  Hot water


2.  Onion juice


3.  Aromatherapy oils


4.  Massage (plain and with a massage oil)


5.  Meditation


6.  Self Hypnosis - a bit like meditation and reported to have good results.


7.  Visualisation - imagining I already have a head of hair.


8.  Affirmations - repeated saying positiive statements (my hair has grown back).


9.  Self spiritual healing.


10.  Adding more dairy products and eggs.


Yesterday I did massage without any oil, visualisation, affirmations;  today Iv done hot water twice, affirmations, tonight I will do the massage, visualisation and meditation.


I have a note book to write down what I do each day, and each trial will last 31 days. 


At present I have a little hair on my head, mostly at the back which I shave off, no eye lashes, few eyebrow hairs, no arm, pelvic, stomach, back hair, with some hair on my legs and under arms.


I'll let you know if anything happens.


PS My photo was taken today.


PPS  Just found another on You Tube called Balayam, so I will add that to the list.

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I think this is great idea Patricia! Onion and garlic are very good remedy for alopecia.
Also everyday massages can help very much, not to mentioned affirmations and spirituality.

I never heard about diary and eggs though.
Can you explain me how this can help?

I am very careful about diary, because of antibiotics and hormones they put in it...

Good luck and I wish you great result! :)

Please keep us posted...
Hi Suzi

Its from a You Tube Video by Terrin Paige. She has very long beautiful hair. In one of her Question and Answer sessions (theres two sets of two, so not sure which one it is), she says she eats an awful lot of dairy and eggs. As I only eat bio-yoghurt I thought it might be worth a try.

I cant really have milk, but I have just got some Lacto free milk to try, and need to try eggs ( I dont eat them at the moment) and so on.

The Onion juice is rubbed in the hair I believe.

Update on Trail

Yesterday I tried a few things, hot flannels on the head, dunking in the bath, Balayama, meditation visualisation, affirmations.

The Balayama definnately made my head itch (see the You Tube Video), the meditation/visualisation of having normal hair definately worked as well. This morning I meditated on discussing with my inner immune soldiers that my hair (unless infected or acting strange) was normal and thus they didnt need to fight them or kill them off.

PS: Terrin also does some good videos on how to wash, and care for you hair, if you have hair to look after. She talks a lot of common sense, and since her hair is almost to the floor she knows what shes talking about. Funnily enough I dont get upset watching hair videos, so I apologies to those who do.
Today I watched more on You Tube and found out the following:

Hair grows better with heat, so my hot water compress (just a flannel dunked in hot water, rung out, then placed on the head until tepid and repeated) is going in the right direction. Im trying heated towels as well.

One person said eating spicy food can help too, as it helps the circulation - I cant try this one but Im sure one of you probably can.

For those with hair, using cold water in your last rinse will help the hair shine.

My affirmations are; My hair has grown back, My auto immune system is 100 % healthy and has returned to normal.

I do the hot water compress twice to three times a day, and the hot towel at night before bed.

Im also thinking of doing a trial of rubbing an oil (olive, sunflower) in the scalp.

Iv also found a recipe by an AV suffere which worked for her using aromatherapy oils (the books is called Alternative Cures by Bill Gottlieb on page 309). I would put it in, but Im sure its covered by copyright.

Im just doing things as I think of them through out the day. Some of them make my head itch straight away.
I have been doing Balayam which definately makes my head itch, as does the hot compresses. Iv done the massage, meditation and visuaisation, as well as the affirmations. My scalp is a lot looser already just in these few days.
Hello Patrica! I just wanted to comment in reply to the spicy food. I've eaten spicy food fairly regularly my entire life, and my Alopecia just began a few months ago. I just wanted to share this because I don't know if there is any correlation with spicy food aiding in hair regrowth, or growing. But this is just my experience!! It may work for others :)
I had to stop most of my trail due to my leaky gut syndrome playing up, I get false allergies and they markedly got worse. So something was definately effecting them.

I have carried on doing the hot water dunking of the head (during bath time).
Hi Patricia,
I just read a recent study linking Alopecia to Celiac Disease (Allergy to Gluten), is this what you mean by your "leaky gut"? see the link below
I have also just been to my doctor, who has primarily diagnosed me with Celiac disease (spelt Coeliac here in Australia). So this may be why we are loosing our hair?? They also link rheumatoid Arthritis and diabetes.


Let me know how you go?
Lisa x
Thanks for the link etc.

Iv never been tested for Celiacs disease, but I am on a wheat free diet due to having a grass allergy, so I can have Rye and Oats.

A leaky gut, is basically caused when the holes in the gut become to big and lets in too many food particles, or toxins into the blood. Some say its caused by sugar, while others believe it is a yeast thing - but my Dr doesnt believe in either and wont allow me to cut out the sugar as my weight drops rappidly when I do.

I may go back to see in the Spring, as I usually have a yearly set of blood tests for Diabetes then, as I do have diabetic parents. I will just add it to about 5 other things I want to be tested for (Ferritin levels being one of them).

It will be interesting to see with the gluten free if your hair comes back.

Head is itching in places where I dont have hair and its a lot looser to the touch. Im doing the bath dunks for a count of twenty each side (the bath has a teaspoon of rock salt in it). Im also doing a self hypnosis routine the hypnotist taught me, twice a day.

I stopped doing the belayama, and my allergic reactions have got better, not sure if its related.

Iv done a lot of research on hair tonics (made from different oils (ie cod, avocado) so Im going to try those. Im also planning on seeing my Dr for a general over view and chat about my alopecia, so she can see the before. Iv already had the dermatologist photographs the last time I saw him a year or so ago, nothing much has changed there.

Iv been doing a lot of spiritual grounding exercises, and clearing of old energies, releasing old issues etc. Iv found that indigo and violet are good colours to think of with alopecia, and also some stones to carry (these also work if you put them on a photograph).

Im also doing things by association - Im looking at websites with people with long hair, getting items I can not only use with scarves but also with hair (like scrunchies and slides). I also want to try a Boar brush, as this is supposed to help the hair oil coverage, I thought it might help stimulate the hair follicle.

So being positive and I dont say if my hair grows back I say when.
Carried on doing the bath dunks, started some Balayam, my head is still itching like made, and Im sure there is some regrowth already, or its hair Iv not noticed before.

Iv found out a lot on You Tube about massage oils and Biotin, so thats the next step. I also believe in my case a lot of my hair loss is due to lacking vitamins and minerals. I cant take vitamins, so Im working on adding some different foods:

Avocado - for Omega fatty acids
and a vegetable based oil (I use sunflower at the moment).

Im doing two meditations/hypnotherapy sessions a day, usually one when I wake up and one when I go to bed with visualisations and affirmations.

Iv also brought items I will need (which I can also use on wigs and scarves), for when my hair grows back.
dear patricia;

I ve drunk nettle and fennel tea every day for 1 year.. I vent lost hair in this period. If you search you will see that nettle is the best thing for hair.. Also you can put some nettle tea on your head before doing hot towel.
Also zinc and biotin are working.
By the way I noticed that when I consume more protein, my hair is getting better. So keep eating eggs and more meat...
Good luck
Thanks for this, I have nettle tea sitting in my cupboard as we speak. Iv also found out that Swiss Chard is very good for Biotin as are Bananas, and egg yolks.



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