After two years of battling diffuse AA, my derm has agreed to try squaric acid, however, he admits that he has never performed this treatment so I am going to be a guinea pig.  Not very comforting to say the least.  Could anyone please tell me what their doctors did to perform this treatment so I can have some idea if he is doing this correctly and what to expect.  Thanks for any advice.      

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Thanks mj. What dose are you using, I am assuming your doctor prescribed it. I am confused as to whether you leave it on for 48 hours or shower it off after an hour. I would prefer to do it your way if that works. Do you use it on your brows?
I believe it was .05. And no, I never put it only brows because it would cause raised red spots where I painted it on. I put it on for an hour at a time only.



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