I am really hoping for some advice on this. Please look at the photo and consider I want to buzz / shave my scalp. It is a bit red and raw and stuff like that at least partly (I believe) from being trapped under the hair program I've been wearing for so long.
Has anyone experienced this and are there products that will calm the skin down as I would never shave it as is (but) am really wanting to buzz with an electric shaver (Number 1 or 2 for example). Should I see a skin specialist? Any thoughts would be great…Thank you. Richard.

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Your scalp looks like many I see that have been bonded for years. If you do buzz it you will still have that scar like areas where you lost the hair at least for awhile. The areas where you do have hair will have stubble, but the areas you do not have hair will not. There are people that tattoo scalps but it is quite an art and I am not convinced it is safe. IF you can handle the scarred look you will have in the beginning, there is a chance the hair will come back, but if you continue to bond eventually the follicles will not grow hair. This is my main argument against bonding. Unless the client has almost no hair to start with bonding actually can cause baldness. I do believe that careful removal of the system can protect the hair from dying, but many people do not understand this and actually rip the hair out of the scalp when they remove the unit.


Unlike Chris I don't often see scalps with these issues, most people who come to me do not bond as the allergies from glue etc. for many dealing with alopecia are to dangerous.

I'm not sure what you are wanting to do. If you are going to buzz your head I don't think it will cause any further issues. But I think your head will need to be given a little time to heal.

I appreciate what Chris has written... I didn't fully understand what bonding could do to a scalp that has hair.

Good luck with everything.


I have been using my hair unit with tape for quite a few years. Before that it was a bonding and that created such a red/sore look and feel that I had to change to tape.

Yes Rose...I really feel too that my scalp needs time to heal. My latest idea is to buzz it down and see a dermatologist (spelling?) and look at some specialised cream or whatever to calm things down.

While this is going on I could wear a cap of some sort as it's going to look strange for a while What do you and others think?
Thank you ALL so much for your opinions and advise. it's a big crossroads for me and I'm as nervous as I've ever been (yes..'ever')

Thank's Wisel, that's exactly what I did. Yesterday I removed the hair unit and it won't be back.

Today I got a number2 buzz cut and it feels great. Like you I also think natural products will be best to heal things up. Already a bit of Sorbolene moisturiser has made things feels a lot better.
To answer your question I really do feel the irritation is from the 'super tape' that I have been using for a while. I have very sensitive skin anyway so I always need to stay away from anything that even looks like it's going to be harsh in any way. Thank's for your advice.



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