Hello all,

About 6 months ago I noticed a spot. Completely bald and in my hairline. Since then it has not grown, however the rest of my hair has been shedding very diffusely, just all over my head. My hair is much thinner and feels limp and even dry. My arm and leg hair seem to be a little bit thinner as well, it used to be very thick.

Is this the starting stage of Alopecia Universalis? I only have the one spot but everything else is still shedding. All of the hairs seem to be really fine and thin, and all have the bulb at the end.

Thanks for any help!

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Yes, he said the spot looks like Alopecia Areata but wasn't sure. Ran blood tests and his diagnosis was "Stress relatated Telogen Effluvium" however I feel that stress would not cause me to lose hair on legs and arms and for the actual hair to be thinner and limp.

Hi JamesLo. Mine started with a spot on the back of my hairline and proceeded to thin diffusely all over. My derm did a biopsy which confirmed AA. I also lost eyebrows and leg and arm hair have thinned. I am not sure if this is a progression to AU. I am on steroids now and am hoping they will slow it down. I would recommend getting a biopsy.

I'm going back to the Derm Thursday. Will ask for a biopsy. It's just changed texture and is shedding all over. Have you lost all the hair on your head? With Diffuse Alopecia Areata will you? I just can't believe I only have one spot (that I can cover) and hair all over my body is thinning. It's very scary.

It is scary. Mine started a year ago with hust a spot and then slowly the rest started thinning. It did change texture. It felt really dry and the hairs felt thinner. I still have about 50 percent of my hair, but it is very thin and limp. I think diffuse AA is a slow progression and although no one can say for sure, I dont think you lose all hair, but what is left is difficult to do anything with. I wear a topper now because my hair is so thin. Try not to stress as you dont know for sure it is AA, but definitely get a biopsy and go from there.

Please don't panic, (or try not to) Last year I had an episode similar to yours and the hair grew back on it's own in a few months. Also, my friend/client had several large spots, she had the injections and by two months it all came back. So each case is different but just because this has happened does not mean it will continue. Have you seen a doctor?

Thank you so much for your encouragement, both of you. I have an appointment tomorrow so he can re-examine my head. I will ask for a biopsy as this has me very worried. I'm very well known for having great hair and this is very hard for me as I work in the political industry where a clean cut of hair is expected. Not thin and flyaway.

Bless you all, I will keep you updated after tomorrows appointment with my derm.

Well - went to the derm. He believes the diffuse shedding is caused by some sort of Telogen Effluvium. He said although my T4 Thyroid hormone was fine my TSH was a little high so that may have been causing it, but he did look at the spot and decide to give me a steroid shot. I still feel that the diffuse shedding could be some sort of Alopecia areata, but hoping not.



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