I thought it might help me come to terms with whats happening to me by telling my story. I'd love to know how this disease has affected others because I'm still very confused as to what path it may take.....there seems to be a lot of conflicting information out there!

My name is Laura, I'm an 18 year old uni student living in Melbourne, Australia and was diagnoses with alopecia areata about a month ago. I had just decided to dye my hair red and as it was very long I used two packets of the dye instead of the usual one. Shortly after my hair started falling out. I didn't worry too much, I assumed it would just stop, but it was relentless. I woke up one day with a large bald patch underneath the top layer of my hair and went to go see a doctor.

I actually assumed it was the hair dye that had caused it, so I had written up a letter to the hair company and was planning to get a medical certificate from the dermatologist to say the dye had made my hair fall out. (being a law student this was actually mildy exciting for me :P)But to my horror, he said it was a total coincidence that it happened to start falling out at that time and I in fact had AA.

I maintained a really positive attitude until recently. I wore lots of hats and berets and scarves but could still get away with not wearing anything and just styling it carefully. But the hair has just continued to fall out, and its impossible to disguise anymore. the other night I had a break down. I'm an 18 year old teenager, I already have massive self esteem issues (like any teenager I suppose), but this was just the icing on the cake.
I went and bought a wig last weekend and have started wearing it at uni. It was nerve wracking rocking up to uni with completely different hair. Nobody said anything....I thought they were being polite, but turns out they didn't even notice! They just thought I dyed it! I'm finding the wig a hassle, but at least I feel more confident now. I just worry a lot about it falling off, especially when i'm out night clubbing etc.

I have a couple questions: I've been taking prednisolone without any improvement to my condition, and am going to start getting injections from the dermatologist. Has anybody had success with these? Does this disease vary heaps from person to person? has anybody had AA and their hair has grown back (and how long did it take)?
If it gets to a stage where there is more bald than hair, would you suggest shaving it all off? how does it feel to do that?
Thanks for reading, I'd love any comments :)

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Hi Laura,

Not sure if this might help, but one thing that's often overlooked is the connection between diet and Alopecia Areata. For instance, there's a definite connection between gluten intolerance (celiac disease) and AA. Here's some info: http://celiacdisease.about.com/od/symptomsofceliacdisease/a/Alopeci...

In my case, my mom had some testing conducted that showed she had a genetic autoimmune problem with gluten. Anyway, her doctor said her kids would likely have issues with these foods as well (it's hereditary), so I went gluten and dairy-free and the difference has been remarkable. My bald spots had already filled in on my scalp by the time I tried it, but getting off these seemed key to getting my eyebrow to grow back. In fact, if I slip and eat some dairy or gluten, my eyebrow and scalp start itching in the areas where I had bald spots.



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