I am new here and really need someone to talk to. If any women who are free to talk can send me a message I would greatly appreciate it. I am extremely depressed.
Dear ELeibich, I am so sorry about whatever diagnosis has made you so depressed. I don't know how much help I could be, but I'm here and willing to talk.
Hello Eleibich
I'm sorry you are feeling low at the moment. Thanks for the friend request and yes of course I will chat with you... I hope I will be able to help.
Maybe you could put some of your concerns here as well...sometimes voicing what is really worrying and overwhelming you may help you to begin working through the sadness you feel at the moment. I know this is never easy, but feel assured you will find your way.
What a sweet and thoughtful response, Rosy. It really does just take time to come to terms with it, doesn't it?
Hello Elebich....I am here to talk to you anytime....I know exactly how you are feeling.
Hi, Sorry to hear that this is so difficult for you. It is for most women...
As a provider I see many women with TE, and you should know that there is a wide range of symptoms. Some women regain all their hair, while others are less fortunate. But this is not a rare condition. In fact, if you start looking at women past menopause, you will see that most women lose hair. Many choose to try to camouflage with color and perms and in my estimation make things worse...
Today there are so many options that look very natural, no woman needs to face the world without hair. The challenge is finding an appropriate provider that knows his/her stuff, and has the integrity to serve you in a truthful fashion. My suggestion is to "interview" several in your area, ask to speak with their clients, ask if they require you to purchase a specific product or if you can utilize products that you may have bought previously. Many providers are "signed" to a specific line or product and that is all they offer to their clients. I personally do not like this approach as there is no one size fits all product.
To me it is a process that takes knowing the client, starting with the least invasive/least expensive options that still look natural, then working from that point. There are many issues to address, both physical and psychological, and you need someone you can trust to have your interests at heart.
Sites such as this give great support, and are extremely important in your journey, but try to keep in mind that every person is different, and what might work for one will not work for all. Wearing added hair is a very subjective journey. You need someone that knows what YOU need, not what they sell.
I know that this is a terrifying time for you. But it does not mean that your life has to stop. It just means that you, like many others, need to find ways to feel beautiful regardless of what life gives you. You can do this, and once you find your way, reach back and find another that needs help. Once you do that, you will be healed.
Emily, I am glad to know you appreciate the many responses to your sense of crisis. I know you find comfort here against the loneliness of dealing with it. I hope you also begin to feel some relief that others have not only been there, but have been able to accept and move on in their own ways. Many no longer look just the way they did before the frightening disease, but they look good, sometimes even better. The advice from 'Chris for hair' above is as good as it gets. She has both personal and professional experience dealing with women's sometimes tragic hair loss. Please do try to focus on making yourself look good to YOU. Experiment with hair pieces, try to reduce the stress, and bring back the Emily you know your family loves.
Hi Eleibich, I am also new here, and also feeling exactly like you. Would be nice to have a chat and get through these early stages together. This is possibly the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with!
This breaks my heart because I feel the same way. This disease has destroyed my self esteem and confidence. I feel like I have lost a part of myself, I look at myself in the mirror every morning and I don't even look myself. I became so depressed, my primary doctor decided to put me on a low dose of Zoloft to help with my moods and trying to uplift my spirits again. Hang in there, please understand you ARE NOT ALONE. We all need to stick together!
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