So, I'm thinking about getting a wig, as a just in case/will probably need it shortly.

I'm not looking to spend a lot, not yet.  I've had every hair style under the sun, so I'm thinking about going short because I know I can pull it off.

I'm thinking about getting something like this:

Its a very low cost... so I'm wondering how much of a life I can expect out of something like that.  A few months?  

Wigs kinda creep me out (idk why) so I'm not planning on wearing it everyday - but it would be something I'd want to wear occasionally.  

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Hi there :)
Don't be afraid of wigs. Lots of women wear them just for the fashion, not necessarily because of hair loss.

Synthetic wigs are cheap because they have a rather short shelf life. Good quality synthetics can last up to 6 months though... Even a year? You'll definitely be in luck if you purchase a shorter style, as they have better longevity.

Look to spend anywhere from $100-200 for a good quality synthetic (these numbers are rough, and I'm just giving you the most basic of info).
If it's a short style, and of good quality, with sporadic wear, it will last you a long time. For people who need to wear theirs daily, including sleeping in them, the life expectancy of the wig is drastically reduced (1-3 months average).

Your mileage may vary :)
Good luck!



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