
In  france, Pr thierry Passeron (Nice),set up a clinical trial on 80 people suffering from hair loss (alopecia areata) and for which no treatment 'worked with low-dose interleukin-2 to " educate " the immune system ... The first results are encouraging in the long term because without relapse in stop medications ... new hope !



(sorry : in french :)...

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very interesting development, it is definitely something to keep on top of!

Wonderful news but of the 80 guys how many have had regrowth? and what quantity of this droug have they used?

Hello I am French then try him private hospital of 80 people did not still take place, Four of them had a partial regrowth of hair and hairs, even total for some. Two years later, there was no second offense and the regrowth continued to two of the patients, what shows that this approach can have prolonged effects, interleukine 2 is measured has low dose thus no side effect or few, I am going to book an appointment with professor Passeron I you yours informed

from 80 people only 4 have had regrowth??????

I believe that of the original study with 5 people, 4 had regrowth. The new study with 80 people is too new to have results available

original 5 patient study:


thank you for the answer ...


CHRIS to all say the tries is in the course of 80 people tomorrow I call Pr Passeron for a meeting(appointment) and to participate on approval private hospital

Please Kevin can you then send us news in this link so to have news? Thank you very much 

I would happily travel to France for this treatment.

I go to see with all what is going to tell me lequelle I am going to choose enter stem cell educator therapy or interleukine 2



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