With new drugs developed recently for other autoimmune diseases such as RA and psoriasis (though suppressing the immune system is dangerous in and of itself, I know) shouldn't this move them closer to an effective treatment for alopecia?

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Something interesting I've been reading about lately, a research study looking at ways to prevent progenitor stem cells from being destroyed. The research study is an in-vitro study done at the Kyungpook National University Hospital in Korea. Although the study was done in support MPB, from a 1999 study, a research group found "A.A. Inflammation attacks the progenitor cells but spares the follicle stem cells."

Preventable effect of L-threonate, an ascorbate metabolite, on androgen-driven balding via repression of dihydrotestosterone- induced dickkopf-1 expression in human hair dermal papilla cells


In a previous study, we recently claimed that dihydrotestoster-
one (DHT)-inducible dickkopf-1 (DKK-1) expression is one of
the key factors involved in androgen-potentiated balding. We
also demonstrated that L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate (Asc 2-P)
represses DHT-induced DKK-1 expression in cultured dermal
papilla cells (DPCs). Here, we investigated whether or not
L-threonate could attenuate DHT-induced DKK-1 expression.
We observed via RT-PCR analysis and enzyme-linked im-
munosorbent assay that DHT-induced DKK-1 expression was
attenuated in the presence of L-threonate. We also found that
DHT-induced activation of DKK-1 promoter activity was sig-
nificantly repressed by L-threonate. Moreover, a co-culture sys-
tem featuring outer root sheath (ORS) keratinocytes and DPCs
showed that DHT inhibited the growth of ORS cells, which
was then significantly reversed by L-threonate. Collectively,
these results indicate that L-threonate inhibited DKK-1 ex-
pression in DPCs and therefore is a good treatment for the pre-
vention of androgen-driven balding. [BMB reports 2010; 43
(10): 688-692]
Thanks so much Tony, thats the kind of info I was after!



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