Hi all,im samantha im 22 i m really shy and i dont really know what to say! Im from england and i was diagnosed the other day when i woke up and most of my hair fell out. it wasnt one of my better mornings it has to be said! I think im in shock at the moment really. sorry im not really sure what else to say x

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hiya samantha
sorry to here that you've recently been diagnosed with alopecia, u have definitly found the rite place for help and support, its bn 7months for me and i couldnt have gotten thro it without all these great people,
anyway it is very hard to deal with at the start and feels very lonely but take one day at a time and talk to ur friends n family about how u feel, thats the mistake i made as i find it very hard to talk to people about my feelings but wish i could, anyway im here everyday if u nd someone to talk to, on here or send me a private message if u wish, keep ur chin up, take care, speak to u sn, xx
Hi Samantha
I know it's not completely the same, but I guess one can have sort of the same feeling on behalf of one's child. My son (6 years) has been diagnosed and I am so sad and confused. I joined only a couple of days ago feeling like you and not knowing how to deal or exactly what to say.

Already, however, I would say that I am benefitting from hearing other people's stories and experiences. It gives you the sense of not being alone with this.

Will try to keep an eye out regarding the ayurveda treatment described elsewhere in this forum. I just emailed the doctor (Rohit) and I will see what my first impression is.
Take care and have faith....

I'm really sorry about your hair loss. If it helps at all, I had alopecia areata (a 10p coin sized bald patch) when I was in my teens and it just grew back within a year. That said, I have other hair problems now (though not areata) but there were decades of normal hair in between. So, I do hope your hair grows back and there is some chance it will! Of course, you must make sure there isn't an underlying health problem causing your hair loss: vitamin/mineral deficiency, reaction to medication, thyroid disorder, polycystic ovaries, etc. Once the doctors have determined that you really are healthy other than losing your hair, then okay. But you must check it out, I think!

Good luck and remember that there is a lot of hope!
Sorry to hear this, Samantha, but I'm happy you've found Alopecia World. Take it a day at a time and just know that you're not alone.
It took a long time for my hair to all finally fall out going from AA to AT then
finally AU. I never wanted to be an AU, but now wish I had just gone straight
to AU instead of wearing a wig for 30 years.

I know it can be much harder for a shy person to adjust to this condition...I'm
shy, always have been, always will be. I think you can find help here at this website.
Sometimes you may find that you need more help and then you could talk to a doctor
about therapy or anti-depressants. There is lots of help ...don't be afraid to ask.

Welcome Samantha!!!!. Sorry you about your recent diagnose and hope you can find comfort, hope and inspiration on this site. Take one day at a time and know that you will find support here!
thankyou all so much for your replies. It has been a great help to know there are others out there in the same boat.
Hi Samantha, Please don't worry too much, there are lots of us going through this and although it seems so appallingly dreadful right now, things will get better, keep smiling.
Hello Samantha,

Please know that my deepest sympathy goes out to you. In a world that is dominated by vanity it is difficult to over come the desire to meet the worlds demands, or expectations as to what we should or should not look like; But, know that ones love, friendship, companionship, etc..., for you that is truely genuine will be based on the person not your appearence. I pray that you will also put your faith and trust in God's providence. I know that Christ has made a great! difference for me in the way I have endured my AU. May God give you the grace necessary to endure this trial.


Danielle Tello:)
Hi Sam

Welcome to alopecia world. Thanks for popping in and introducing yourself. I hope we are able to get to know each other a little better in the future.

My daughter has Alopecia and has had it since she was 12 years old, she is now 18 (just about 19). So, I hope I can be of help to you with any questions you may have.

Take care

Hi Sam. Sorry to hear your news. Just try and keep your chin up. Big shock i guess to all of us when finding out we have alopecia. hopefully this site will help you get through this tough time, its good to chat with people who understand what your going through.



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