Hi, I've been a longtime lurker, but this is my first post. The discussions here have been incredibly helpful so far, so thanks to all! Unfortunately, I've been diagnosed with LPP and/or FFA at the young age of 31. I believe that I first noticed my pink inflamed scalp around 1.5 years ago. It first occurred during a period of very extreme chronic stress, perhaps the worst time of my life -- so I believe that it was triggered by emotional stress.

So far, I have only lost a small patch of baby hairs at the front of my hairline (approximately 0.5-1 cm deep, 1-1.5 inches wide) -- I noticed the loss only because the baby hairs at the very front of the hairline have remained intact, so I have a weird little bald patch. My 'actual' hairline where my long hairs begin is still intact. The patch is sometimes pink, and the hairs along the margin have a bit of perifollicular redness, but there's no pain or itching. Fortunately (I suppose), I have not lost any eyebrow hair or body hair, and the rest of my hairline is unchanged. Right now, I can hide the patch by parting my hair to the side.

My original dermatologist diagnosed scarring alopecia (LPP) but didn't distinguish between LPP and FFA. I subsequently saw a hair specialist who diagnosed FFA based on the location of the loss and the clinical presentation, all without biopsy. The hair specialist derm put me on a low dose of CellCept (250mg twice daily), along with steroid injections and clobetasol/tacrolimus topicals. I've been using the LaserComb 3x/week, and I am starting a series of Excimer laser treatments next week. I also started using Latisse on my eyebrows and eyelashes as a preventive measure.

A few questions for you guys:

(1) I know that many FFA patients take some sort of anti-androgen (finasteride, etc.), which seems to be a decently successful treatment. Since most women with FFA are post-menopausal, I was worried that I had some sort of hormonal imbalance given my age, so I did an extensive hormonal panel -- aside from high SHBG, everything looked normal, and my testosterone (total and free) were on the low end of normal. For those on anti-androgens, did any of you actually have elevated testosterone or DHEA? I would probably not go on finasteride given my age, but I might try spironolactone if there's a potential benefit.

(2) Have any of you tried platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy? My derm mentioned it to me -- he said that there is a very, very slim chance that it would help with regrowth, but that it might help to halt any further loss if other treatments don't seem to be helping. He did have a patient with CCCA who requested the treatment and had complete regrowth, but I am not holding my breath. He'd give me a discount, and I'm in a fortunate situation where the cost wouldn't be a deterrent. 

(3) Aside from medical treatments, what other lifestyle changes have you made? Supplement-wise, I'm taking Viviscal, iron, vit C, vit D, zinc, methylfolate, krill oil, ubiquinol, and turmeric. I've been eating a strict autoimmune paleo diet, I exercise regularly, and I meditate and go to restorative yoga classes.

(4) Are there any questions that any of YOU have about the current state of the medical research on FFA? I am a PhD biomedical researcher, so I have full access to all journal articles, and I can provide summaries/interpretations for anyone who is interested. I will say that I've done an extensive PubMed review, and having looked at the body of research, I am not impressed with the quality...

Sorry for the long post! I was quite depressed about the diagnosis at first, but I've already made a ton of positive life changes -- so maybe it's a blessing in disguise. 

Last thing (I promise), I've read several posts that have mentioned that celebrities don't seem to get it. I don't think that is true -- they might just be better at hiding it! For example, former Fly Girl Marie Todd posted about her FFA (http://www.marietodd.com/blog/), and Grace Coddington (creative director at Vogue -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grace_Coddington) likely has FFA, but it doesn't seem to bother her one bit. 

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I was very interested to see your post as I to do not take time to comment usually either - just cruising for any new info.  I was extremely stressed as well and had been for years and then got a shingles shot and a pneumonia shot on the same day - flu shot pretty close time frame and then my GYN gave me a prolia shot for osteoporosis about a month later.  Welcoming me to auto immune land!  Wanted to let you know what I have done since - changed my diet to mostly 80 percent fruits and veggies - as much organic as I can find - 20 percent meat - grass fed as well - bottled water - reverse osmosis on my icemaker and use that water for all cooking and drinking - stopped all meds from the derm as they did not work and refused the plaequnil - my eye doctor advised against it as well.  Filter on water softener to remove chlorine as I am a bather and only natural chemicals in our hot tub.  I take turmeric (Curamed) milk thistle and did take adrenaplex (brand name) to help clean out my liver and help adjust my cortisol levels - algae based calcium - Vitamin D 5000 - multivitamin and at least three mega stress tabs (B complex) a day.  I do usually have a glass or two of wine a day and have continued to dye my hair - I also still use mineral makeup and now only use zinc based sunscreen - I use moisturizers but none with spf.  I only had one major hair fall and the lichen was all around my hairline which is about 1 inch gone around my hairline. I have had some regrowth.  The lichen is mostly gone with just an occasional flare up - seems to be very stress driven and loves sugar as well.  I have never felt bad and am very fortunate to have not lost any more hair which my bob hair style easily covers.  Sulfite free shampoo and conditioner and fluoride free toothpaste.  I was 65 when I received the shots but I think that I had some small issues with my scalp and lots of stress so I was probably prime for this to happen after all the medication.  The slight flare I get actually dries as soon as I put rogaine on it - why - good question.  I started back using it even though until I told my derm what I had read after the conference info that was on this site, he had never suggested it - they all say it is scarring are probably will not come back.  I have light regrowth but I think that it would help many of you just diagnosed to use it twice a day and yes I use the 5% solution - that to was from what I read on this site.  Please message me as I would love to read any info you have - there has to be some slight commonality - I to have a medical background. Thanks



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