Not seeing, leading to not caring, leading to mental freedom from a disease

I havent been on in a while, and still going through my whole body losing hair since 09? Not worried about body hair, but I regular just Buzz what I can to look groomed. (patchy groomed, but groomed)Just decided to check in and hope my experience of feeling free may help.

Things I have gone though I dont think is all that bad considering. I gave up attempting to shave a long time ago. Took too much time and when some hair grew back so did my emotions. The constant growing and disappearing of hair on my face/head had its great moments and irritating moments.
I figured I have to go into a mental state of not caring. The mental side of this is the part that I think is where the struggle is. Not seeing myself helped.(I cant see my head all day) Granted every morning I looked into the mirror and would see it. Good thing is, I seen it so much I slowly stopped caring. When I tried to cover or hide it, stress and sadness ruined my day or week every time I was confronted by myself. People I was around slowly got used to it. Which helped me get used to it. Soon I forgot what its like to have a full head of hair. I even had a nice stretch of not having to shave my face. Which I will gladly accept any day. That was pretty nice to be honest. Skin was always smooth. People notice, but notice less I think when they sense your attitude. If they look, I figure so what. I would look too if I saw something different, its natural.

Why worry about what people "think" of me? Is it because I think the same thing? Answer was yes. Now Im just used to it. So I dont really feel all that odd anymore. I believe thats the key to getting over it mentally. Facing it and adapting to how it makes life easier. Not being ashamed shows in our attitudes. Attitude also helps with people not giving me that sad victim face I sometimes got. That sure didnt help.
Hair was such a burden at times I remember.(I had longer hair just below my shoulders) Shampoo and conditioner bill went down, saved time in the morning getting ready for work. Cheap do my self hair cuts with clippers. I mean there were so many little things that I gained. I will take anything positive I can. It really helps. I may not be free from a disease, but I dont feel it holding me back from life. I dont know how long I have felt this way, but long enough it is not something I feel I struggle with.

I hope this may help someones outlook on their situation. The day when you dont worry anymore. Its a great feeling and frees you from that awkward feeling that I cant really describe. Im sure everyone has a different level of it. We will always outshine what we look like. Personality always wins. Show yourself how strong you are. You will be happy you did.

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Hi Michael
Thanks so much for sharing your journey. It is very positive and so true. Much appreciated.
Cheers, Debs xx

Hi Michael,
Thank you so much for the encouragement. You are so right we will always outshine what we look like and personality totally wins! Keep smiling:)



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