Thanks jerk for the photos of me bald and tagged so all my friends, coworkers. acquaintances can see. I wanted to tell them when I was ready not by being outed by you. I am completely mortified and need some moral support here. What now?

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Well good for you!
Exactly! :)
Hi there - First off , have ya heard the one about the Devil's Advocate appreciation party ??? Neither have I .

As if getting hit with a sucker punch by the brother wasnt enough , I contest that suggesting consideration be given to this brother is warranted.

Unlike your family , me and my 4 siblings were brought up to speak our mind 24/7.
We didnt need to be educated that we stuck together - it was automatic , a given .
No one had to explain respect .
And although we werent the Waltons , if things got outta whack .... it was handled IN HOUSE .

Moreover , my mother had a key parenting tool that worked wonders if she believed we got outta hand.
( It involved the back of her hand and a well deserving cheek )

Kids and adults today are losing the sense of tact , respect , privacy and a boatload of other simple courtesy traits.

QUESTION : A person - ( doesnt matter who ) posts something online about a private matter involving yourself that a "crowd " of online friends and family can view regardless of your approval.
You are deeply hurt by this and the person shows no signs of remorse.

Another person " walks up on you and pulls off whatever is on your head in front of a crowd of people " for all to see regardless of your approval.

YOU explain that in the second instance "I wouldn't have time to be embarrassed, because I would be kicking the S*** t out of somebody!) "

Yet in the first instance , you suggest "The best way to handle it, in this case, would be to ignore it and keep the party moving. If you don't give a reaction at all "

ALL I can say is if were my sibling , there would be a MAJOR re-adjustment applied to his/hers sibling free speech pattern.

Actually , Im kind of surprised Kasta , that a lady with your intellect, knowledge and grace would resort to such primitive methods in situations of conflict. But whatever works for ya .....right ?

- Peace

Well said! Thanks RoBB! This is so true and unfortunate -" Kids and adults today are losing the sense of tact , respect , privacy and a boatload of other simple courtesy traits." But I would also add "common sense" to that list.

There is a difference between taking the high road (which includes ignoring it) and defending yourself. If a stranger comes up and pulls my wig, scarf, head covering, whatever off my head, then they have crossed the line and invaded my personal space, in which case self-defense is perfectly warranted. If someone is posting a picture of me and my bald head on the Internet, I can ignore that. I can report it to whatever site it's being hosted, I can un-tag myself, I can do plenty of things to fix it. As Alice likes to say, I'm nothing more than a bully, so why wouldn't primitive methods of conflict resolution work, right?

Regardless of what Alice thinks though, it boils down to each unique situation. I let a lot of stuff slide and the vast majority of stuff that happens I just let go, but at the same time I'm not a doormat, nor do I hide and cower from the world just because there are a bunch of assholes that live in it. Like my parents taught me, I don't start fights, but you better believe I finish them if it's being brought to me.

My brothers and sisters and me speak our minds too, and we were raised that way by our parents - but again, I emphasize that posting something about each other that could be considered private without our consent isn't something that would occur to any of us. As a matter of fact, I know for a fact MY brothers and sisters have gotten into more fights as children and adults over what they perceive to be mistreatment toward ME as a result of my alopecia than anything else - and if anything, we get mad at each other because they're OVERPROTECTIVE more than anything else. Jasmine, I'm glad your brother messaged you and apologized - maybe you blowing up was what he needed to get his butt in gear.

--One of the Older People
I second the AMEN! Yikers, some people just need to cork it and stop imposing their beliefs and experiences on others. We all come from different walks of life and we all handle things differently. What's right for one may or may not be right for another We are all here to support and accept one another aren't we.
LMAO!!! No matter how many times you see this video, the comedy gold never gets old. :D
Thanks! I didn't blow up at him, just left him a calm message asking he remove the pictures because not everyone knows, but after talking with my sister she had a talk with him for me - love her for that! Love it even more that he left me a voice message, calling himself an idiot and saying he's sorry, so I can listen to it whenever I want. -lol
Im sorry that happened to you, uncool! I like to have people here to talk about Alopecia and not to have to deal with it on Facebook. You could always tell the people you don’t want to know that your brother went to one of those web sites that photo shop pics for you and say it was just a joke. It would have to be in an e-mail so the other people wouldn’t read it, but the point is you shouldn’t have to be dealing with this.
Hahaha Thanks Devin. I may try that. I love the list of excuses you all have given me! Thanks for understanding!



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