Thanks jerk for the photos of me bald and tagged so all my friends, coworkers. acquaintances can see. I wanted to tell them when I was ready not by being outed by you. I am completely mortified and need some moral support here. What now?

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wow- and I thought my brother was an ass! I would be feeling betrayed and violated ..... it is not his place or business to "out you" at all no matter his excuse, reason, or intention! I am very sorry that happened to you.

For me - It wouldn't really be about alopecia - or how I feel about having alopecia but rather that he intentionally took a very personal choice away from me. I don't see being about acceptance of alopecia or a reflection of how YOU see yourself. What he did was hurtful and out of line.... especially coming from a family member.
Thanks Heather! I think I've decided I'm not going to let this change anything. If people are wondering and I don't want to tell them, let them wonder. If I want to tell them, and I was going to anyway, I guess this gives me the chance to do that. It was still wrong of my brother and I'm not sure how to deal with him on that but I'm past the initial embarrassment and shock now.
Hahaha Thanks Rose! I think I've decided I'm not going to let this change anything. If people are wondering and I don't want to tell them, let them wonder. If I want to tell them, and I was going to anyway, I guess this gives me the chance to do that. It was still wrong of my brother and I'm not sure how to deal with him on that but I'm past the initial embarrassment and shock now.
Wow! Miracles do happen. My brother actually left me a message saying he was sorry so if you see pigs flying through the air maybe this is why. He said "he is an idiot and wasn't thinking." I think I'll save that one for a while. Maybe I can figure out a way to loop the "I'm an idiot" part and post it to his facebook page -hahaha
This IS the week for miracles! Wonder if gifts and flowers will follow...ha ha!
Now that would truly be a miracle! :)
Hi Jasmine, I think you should get a stuffed pig, attach a note that says "You're forgiven" and mail it to him. I'm glad he acknowledged what an idiot he was. Maybe you guys can move forward. Healing and trust may take some time to rebuild--your brother needs to know that since he violated your trust, but it's a great beginning. I'm glad you are able to look at this differently now than when you first posted. As I said in my situation, it takes a little time but it will blow over. Good luck!
hahaha - great idea!
Jasmine I am sorry to read this! Maybe if you can use this as an opportunity (alopecia awareness) for those who now know since he's tagged you. I am sure you know you can untag yourself, and Turnabout is fair play! but still I understand... I haven't been able to post any revealing picture on fb, yet. I am open to telling people in real life and on fb about my alopecia, but haven't reached a comfort zone be seen or pictured w/o any kind covering unless I am with people like me/us.
Thanks Christy,

I'm just going to let it go. I was really mad at first but I'm done with that now. I'm not one to hold grudges, it takes too much time and energy away from the positive things in life. I think I'm just going to proceed with what makes me comfortable. If people ask I'll tell them, if I want and if I was going to tell them anyway I will and if they are wondering well let them.
I'm glad that has been your experience. I lost my hair as a child and since kids can be cruel, I lived through some pretty horrific experiences. When my hair fell out the second time as an adult I went around without a wig very briefly and everyone who saw me was bugging my husbands brother because they thought I had cancer. That puts him in the position of having to explain my condition which should not be his responsibility, so I stopped that. Now I have 2 sons in school and I worry what their experience will be like if I come out because kids can sometimes be very cruel.



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