Hi everyone,

My son Carson (5 yrs old) was recently diagnosed with AA.

He has always been pretty quick to get sick (colds, flu, etc) and I was wondering if it could be connected to Alopecia. Not that Alopecia causes it, but I wonder if his immune system is more susceptible.

Does anyone else have children who get sick frequently?


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My daughter has been my sick child. She was the only out of my three who was exclusively breastfed, so it has always been my little joke that she has been the one who gets sick the most. She has ear tubes, aand is usually the first to get a fever, throwing up, ect....take your pick of illness. I don't know if it can be realted to the alopecia, but that is our experience.
Hello Sherry,

Our baby whos 19 months old has just been diagnosed with AA - He is also always poorly with either a runny nose, cough or a cold. I have asked th hospital is this due to his immune system but they said no - we are gettinga second opion from Great Ormand Street Hosital and hope to be given more info - but anything you can pass on to us would be of use. I dont want to sue steriods on him do you know of anything else we can try
From what I have read and been told by experts -- anything that antangonizes the immune system can trigger the hair loss in a person who has alopecia. My son's doctor always stresses that we have to treat every runny nose, every cold, every allergy, and such! They also say that asthma and allergies are common in AA kids . . . my son has both!
Hi Sherry
My daughter who is 5 has rapidly lost two thirds of her hair in six months but has always been extremely healthy!
It's really frustrating not being find the cause of AA.



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