Does anyone know if when applying for a passport and taking your picture, do you have to take it without your wig on? If so than i would imagine that you would have to remove your wig while going though.


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I have my passport with my wig and my Clear card with no wig. For the passport you get your photo taken on your own and for your Clear card you have it taken by them. But no one cares what's on your head .so do whatever you want. You submit the photo you want to submit.They are looking at your eyes for ID anyway, not your hair which is always variable. I routinely go through with a wig and the bald photo or with no wig and the wigged photo. "I'm having a hair or a no hair day" as the situation requires is what I say. Leaving Mexico or the Caribbean or the Middle east when I usually have on a big sun hat and scarf, I take it off so they can see there is nothing hiding under my hat.

When security is looking at you and sizing up the photo they are looking at your eyes and comparing with the eyes in the photo...which is why it's always a nice courtesy to remove your sunglasses. And as equally they are sizing up your behaviour by having you stop again for the passport inspection to give them time to get a read on your level of

So do whatever you want
Thank you for your response. it is very helpful. I am hoping next time you are in the New York area I will be able to join you all for the luncheon. Thanks again!
I got a letter from my doctor saying that I wear a scarf due to alopecia. I haven't sent it in as yet. Although when I went through the citizenship I have a bald picture. I will let you know what happens when I send in the picture of me with a scarf.
Hi Mukti,Thank you for your response. I just wasn't quite sure what the protocol is. I will keep a look out for your reply.
I hate to sound really silly, but my question is this: I am losing my hair. My drivers license says "brown" for hair. I will either shave my head or wear a wig. So do I leave brown as the color? Is this the same deal as security? What do you do? Thanks for not hooting at how small an issue this is!
Well I just looked at my drivers' license and it only has the color of the eyes on there. When I renewed it two years ago they told me that I could come back and re-do the picture once the hair grows back. I wore a scarf. I guess they thought I was going through chemo. It was at a time when I was still getting used to the baldness. Always second guessing myself etc. so I did whisper that it was alopecia. Like Jeff I don't have eyebrows or eyelashes either and don't look the same anymore!
My husband is a retired police officer and he said that we would put bald for hair color. But I didn't have to renew my license yet since losing all my hair, so i don't know if this is certain.
When I made the application for Citizenship, the form has a listing for bald....which is the box a ticked. I don't have to renew my license for another 3 years so I wonder if the form has changed...just wondering because of all the tighter Homeland Security changes. And as we all know an ID has to reflect a person's appearance.
I got my picture done with my wig on. I don't think there should be any problems.... at least i hope not!
I recently had to have a passport picture taken, it wasn't for my passport luckily as I already have one. This was for my door supervisors licence renewal, it said in the form that they would not accept a photo if you were wearing headgear unless it was for religious or ethical reasons!
I wear a bandana as work and will not be seen anywhere without something on my head, be it a hat, bandana or for special occasions a wig. I wrote a covering letter explaining that although it was not a religious reason I think a medical reason is a good enough reason to have a bandana on.
If you have AT or AU and you are happy going about with nothing on your head then by all means I think you should have your passport piccie taken with your head on show....a man that shaves his head doesn't need to wear a wig for a photo so why should you?
If I had AT i know I would be more than happy to have my photo taken with nothing on my head and I'd walk about with my head on show too, i do when I shave it but after a few hours the unsightly bits of hair grow back and i look like a map of the world again!
I dont think that if you have your photo taken with a wig on that you must wear it when you travel or vise versa....
I just got my drivers license renewed and got a passport. On my drivers license I wore my wig. They didnt even ask any questions. I think because hair can change dramatically over 4 years that it doesnt really matter. I was 130# lighter and the girl ask me if the weight was the same!! I am now 150!! As for my passport you can look up the rules for passports. I am pretty sure that it said if you wear a wig or hairpiece then to wear it for the photo.. Again... Passports are good for 10 years so imagine how much a look might change in ten years. Of course I havent aged a day since 29 ;)

Hi Carla, thank you for the info. You go girl with your weight loss!!!! I also lost 105lbs and the same thing happened to me at the dmv. Stay healthy!!!! P.S I haven't aged a day since 29 also lol!



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