Which vacuum wigs are better, Peggy Knight or Freedom wigs (or others)? Also how would you compare vacuum wigs in general to lace front wigs that have to be applied with glue? Do they hold more heat or are they about the same? Also how have your experiences been with these two companies?

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good questions. I cant really answer Knight vs Freedom, except Freedom wigs can come a little bit longer in length, and I beleive they make them faster also. I asked Paggy Knight for over 12 inches and they said they couldnt do it. I love my Freedom wig though.
No comparison between Lace and vacuum to me. I hate dealing with tap and glue. Also, they can come off in water. Vacuum wigs stay on through anything. Vacuum wigs may be a little bit hotter, but they do not itch like some lace wigs do. Mine doesnt feel hot, only when I work out in it.
I have two vacuum wigs from New Hair Technology and have been really happy with the freedom and how real they look. I have not tried lace front wigs with glue but have worn regular wigs. Peggy Knight's representative calls each time she is in the area and I find that a bit pushy. In addition, they do not give any information regarding pricing when speaking to the Representative nor on the website. At least with New Hair Technology I get the price when speaking with them and they have package deals as well. I have also heard that the simulated skin cap is hard in the Peggy Knight wig. I was wondering about the Australian wig manufacturer that Karen Peterik (ad is always on this site) represents... have you or anyone else looked into them?

This is going to sound like a crazy question but i also have purchased hairpieces from New Tech in NYC just wondering if you have an old one that you would want to sell ? 

Hi there my daughter has just started wearing a Freedom wig about 6 months ago. We have had one of the hottest muggiest summers I can remember for a long time. she has worn it to school thru her PE sessions she wears in all the time in the weekend and I haven't heard her complain once about it being too hot, so I am really impressed. She has worn it out in our boat and it able to stand up the front with her hair blowing in the wind..........fab. Good luck with your hunt.

Thanks everyone! The glue and tape of the lace front is what is making me look for other options because realistically I can't put it on without my Mums help, and I am about to go off to college. I am kind of shying away from Peggy knight because after comparing the websites and the procedure for creating the mold, Freedom seems a lot more accurate and advanced. Plus Peggy knight didn't say whether the human hair was processed or not. I will check out New Hair Technology though, because I haven't ever heard of them so thanks for suggesting another company! Its good to know that the heat isn't unbearable in hot muggy summers because I live in GA so it is about as hot and muggy as it gets (with the exception of florida). Thanks for all the info about heat, because that was my main concern, because of course all wigs are hot, but it is nice to know if it is tolerable or not really an issue.
I believe the Peggy Knight vacuum wigs are made by Freedom. Rose Marie' on this site will probably advise regarding this as she is the International Freedom representative.
I have had a Freedom and wasn't happy with it for several reasons. I can tell you they are very hot to wear! (But I understand there is now a new breathable cap) I have seen but not owned a Nuhair (New hair technology) wig. The cap on this is much thinner and more breathable, very light and the hair quality is great!
I haven't had a lace wig but have just bought a lace with thinskin perimeter which doesn't require all the glueing. I think more companies are becoming aware of our needs as AU sufferers. Yaffa, for instance, have a new (currently for custom orders only) cap called the H699 which is beautiful. It's fine net with a lace front - but there are clingy poly bands on it which means no glue is required. I have had seen and tried on one that was too large and there was no way it would have come off. Yaffa hair is the absolute best I have come across.
I'm sure you will get lots of information here to make a decision. But don't just limit your thinking to the 2 main companies!
Hi Dielle

I think you understand the difference between the two wigs now. It's been lovely chatting with you - good luck with your investigations.

Hi Dielle

Glad you have been in touch with Deanna- although her information will inevitably be biased it will give you food for thought.

Please PM me if I can help you further


I agree my opinion is biased. My daughter has worn these wigs for the last six years. She doesn't wear them because I make her - but because they work for her (ever tried making an 18 year old do anything LOL). I have a extremely good knowledge base about these hairpieces and am happy to pass this on when people ask - like in this thread.

Sharon or Fitzy or Cherylnz or Lee all wear these wigs. I'm pretty sure that they will be happy to pass on their opinions as well, even though because they like them they may be a little biased also.

everybody is biased whether they hate something or like something, there isn't really such a thing as an unbiased opinion from anybody, so my plan is to get as many as possible and see where they take me! As I have learned in the horse world, people have strong opinions one way or the other and you just have to choose what is best for you. Thank you to everyone again, because the more input I get the better informed my decision will be.

Thanks Rose for giving me their names, I have already sent them friend requests so I can message them.
How much does a Freedom wig cost?
I just got the gripper from peggy knight and I am simply in love with it. It is a net cap with silicone around the front, nape of the neck, and ears and will not come off even if pulled hard. It is light and breathable and looks natural with a lace front. I priced nu hair and my peggy knight was 1000 dollars cheaper than the nu hair and I couldnt afford the difference. I am thrilled with it! Good luck to all of you and I hope you are as happy with your wig as I am! Blessings!




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