I'll keep this short but make no mistake my life has been flipped upside down because of this. I need input on what exactly the cause of the hair loss/ thinning is and if I should start minoxidil or not. Left side of my head there is a solid patch above my ear that is gone, it came on pretty sudden ( about 1 - 2 months 90% dissappeared ) . And on the other side I have sudden thinning/ almost bald lines from the temple down. The area where I am losing hair is super sensitive too.. there is no logic for this or obvious reason, nothing with my hairstyle or anything has changed no injury ect.. also no history of baldness in family .. and remember this is sudden not overtime 

Thank you, I'm really hoping its telegum efflium. T

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I am praying for you.You should probably see a derm for a diagnosis. Take care.

I would agree with Kimmy68, they can do a small punch biopsy of your scalp and determine what is happing with the hair follicle. Getting some answers that way can ease your mind.

Is it okay to use finasteride cream and monoxide on it in the meantime?

I would probably see a derm first and take it from there. Good luck.

Hi there! I am sorry this is happening and so hard for you. Have you received your diagnosis? Only you can decide what treatment is best for you and the start is knowing what type of hair loss you have. Hang in there. 

Hello Kyle, You might want to book an appointment with your GM or regular doctor even dermatologist. Sometimes there can be test to see if have any vitamin deficiencies or other health flares. Ie thyroid disorders can sometimes can sometimes cause hair loss, etc. And a medication could help with and to ensure nothing else going on. I get hair loss can be alarming and stressful. Professionals may help and narrow down! Best



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