Hi All

I'm Lara, 38 years old and I was diagnosed with FFA in September this year after noticing what appeared to be male pattern baldness starting around 8 months ago.

My GP got the diagnosis wrong which led to a short delay in diagnosis but reading up on FFA I suspect that the delay won't mean anything given the lack of a definitive treatment anyway.

My derm started me on lymecycline and dermovate. I briefly tried Hydroxychloroquine 200mg a day increasing to 400mg a day but got a rash and blurred vision so have stopped that again for now. I was only on it for about 3 weeks anyway.

I have also started the AIP protocol and have been on that for about 5 weeks.

So far the hair loss appears to be worsening despite the above and I am due a biopsy in a couple of weeks.

Reading all your posts, the studies and thinking back on what I may have done to cause this I have come up with the following:

1. For about 7 years I used micronised benzoyl peroxide for acne. There seems to be a suggestion out there that modern cosmetics and micronised particles especially may be a factor.

2. I used factor 70 sunblock daily for about 4 years along with intermittent topical isotretin for acne. Sunblock also appears to be a suspect in this crappy disease.

3. I had a hysterectomy (ovaries have stayed)3 years ago for suspected adenomyosis (which histology then showed I didn't have). Wish I'd never had it done but on the plus side I non longer pass out with pain each month. I was told that it would bring on the menopause 2 years earlier but as we all menopause at 59 ish I figured that would be fine. My oestrogen is low apparently though so that might feed into the FFA too.

4. I used steamrooms on average weekly for the acne.

5. I drank a lot of coffee - not sure if anyone else is a caffeine hound. I have switched to red bush tea which just tastes like a cup of sadness!

6. I'm a stress head. I know autoimmune conditions can be worsened by stress so I should try to do something about that however the universe in it's a**hole wisdom decided that my dear mother should be diagnosed with a bad inoperable cancer the day after I was diagnosed with FFA so stress control is unlikely to be coming to me anytime soon. The stress might also skew my response to treatment and dietary changes so my progress, or lack of,may not be representative.

I thought I would put down the things that might have caused my FFA in case we share any common elements that might help narrow down what the hell is going on here.

I've not posted earlier but have found the info here really helpful so thank you.

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Hi all...

sorry to keep banging on about this but i'd be really interested what blood type you all are?

In brief i've not had the easiest of lives...but my FFA came about when i was relatively stress free, compared to my past!!

Which leads me to believe wether certain types (blood type ) are pre disposed to this condition?

There must be something that binds us all....i'd be fascinated if this was the factor e.g rhesus negative blood type..

Love and light to you all xxx

Hi Star!

My blood type, and my mother's, is A positive.

Hi, my blood type is A negative. Seems like others have meantioned their Ffa started in 2011. I believe that is when mine started. Just a thought.... I was under alot of stress right at a time I stopped birth control. This sucks!



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