I was diagnosed with Alopcia in April, and I have lost about 75% of the hear on my head since then, in the ophiasis pattern. I have recently noticed that I am losing the hair on my arms and my eyebrows are thinning, as well. Is this a sign of totalis?

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Yes, universalis. Sorry, the terms still get me.

I am confused about this as well.  I have the same as you, the ophiasis pattern and in the last few months it went crazy to where I had, had enough and shaved it.   Now I have lost part of an eyebrow and some of my eyelashes, and some body hair, but my doctor said I am not in Universalis stage yet, thoroughly confused.  I am trying not to dwell on it too much, the last few months have been the worst in the whole three years of living with this.  I go back to the doctor on the 10th, but any input that anybody has, will be greatly appreciated.





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