Hi, I'm 18, I have AA, and after four years of wearing a wig, I'm finally going without. Bald pride! Anyways, as I want to maintain a totally smooth, bald head, I must shave pretty darn often (almost every day). I've only been doing this for less than a week, but I'm worried that constantly shaving my head will give me irritated or dry skin. I bought some moisturizer from Lush to use after I shave, but I'm not sure what else I could do. Do any of you frequent head shavers use any products or have any special methods for keeping your bald head happy? Tell us about your process!
I recall seeing an article in the news a few months ago shaving actually helps to keep the skin looking healthy and young. I didn't save the original article, but here are a couple of related links.
I get a few stray hairs on my head, so occasionally I lather up my scalp at the same time I shave my face. I think the exfoliation does help.
How awesome! Bald and Proud!!! I shave every day and I just recently started with Dollar Shave Club... your choice of three models for three monthly "memberships" (cancel and upgrade at any time). It's impossible to find good blades at this price, delivered to you in awesome packaging.
I have used so many types and brands of shaving creams, but I now just go with the CVS gel brand.
Then, I just use a nice skin lotion after shaving. Some people I know shave in the shower, but I shave before my shower. Just shave and then feel the back of my head to feel where I need to shave. It's such a powerful feeling.
I hope my experience helps. Again, so cool to see the Bald Pride!
Thank YOU!
Hi there,
I have extremely, I mean, extremely sensitive skin and I too had a lot of questions when I first started wearing my freedom wig. When you wear them, you have to be completely shaven so I do this too every day.
I use Aveeno shaving cream along with disposable razors. You can get Aveeno at Target or Walmart or any local drugstore. It's good for sensitive skin. Whenever I have any flare ups or burns, I use aquaphor at night and it helps a lot.
Hope that helps!
Hi i have had AA for seven and half years, i decided also not to wear a wig, so i shave, a good thing to put on your head for dryness is pure olive oil you do not need alot. But is works great to keep scalp skin pretty.
Hope this helps
Which razor do you use? I tried one a year ago recommended by a barber and hated it. It takes too long and I did not feel the shave was that close. I can shave my head with a blade (Gillette or Schick) in five minutes with no nicks and the shave is smooth. I purchased the electric razor primarily for travel. Thanks.
When I shave It's In the shower with just the cheap hand and body cream, I really dont have to shave that often,but over the years, I have learned of an after shave call "No Bumps" works good for me, and the wife told me one day some years ago to use a scrub, and again nothing pricey, I think It Is made of peach pits, It smells good and I pray It's peach pits and not dirt from a scrap yard, that to keeps the "shave bump's " away, Note: I do recall the evening I used scrub the head seemed extra soft, and there seemed to be a few more kisses to the head than normal, could have been all the drink's, but I think It was the scrub, good luck buddy !!!!!!!!
I like to use an electric razor on my face and head. No nicks ever and I find it's a really close shave. Afterwards I use Neutrogena SPF 15 on my head, face, neck, and chest. Don't forget the back of your ears and back of your neck!
In addition to Headblade, I also use the Skull Shaver. I get it from Amazon. It works great.
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