Hi, there! I'm having a hard time finding a full lace silk top wig. I have heard about how Cooper wigs are nice and not so expensive like the ones sold by us sellers. The thing is, I have tried, but I can't get in touch with them, their website is unfinished and I wonder if they have went out of business. During my search though I have found Qingdao premier wigs website, a fabric based in China, they have full lace silk top wigs but I'm concerned about buying from them because I don't know anything about them. So please, if you have bought from them or if you know anything about them let me know. Your help would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
I believe Highline wigs can be made with full lace silk tops. And, their are other custom wig makers here in the US who can make them that way. 'custom wig maker' is the key to finding what you want.'
I would not buy from a Chinese firm as the tendency for being scammed is extremely high.
Private message me and I will send you the wigsite that I use for my daughter. It may be the same one you are asking about. We are happy with their quality.
Hi Karen
I'm researching for a blonde silktop wig
is it royal wigs China you have used for your daughter ? Have you ordered a few ? Are they consistent ? What does she think of hair quality and which hair does she order ( sorry all the questions ) just you feel you are taking pot luck when ordering wigs .. thanks so much
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