So I finally went in on Monday and ordered a hairpiece. Scary but the time is coming. Well today all of a sudden I see patches I can not hide in the back (and I am not a hat person, I don't own any though I will be going to buy one, but it will be obvious something is up if I wear a hat!). So I called and the hairpiece won't be ready for another week and a half!! So...that's not fast enough. What do I do to get something quickly so that people won't know something is up? Is there an option? Oh and to make it complex...I have auburn red hair past my shoulders....anything I could get by Monday? I live in Los Angeles so I would think there would be something. I went to Naimie's and they had to order it. Is that common?
And then on top of that I don't even know where to start learning what I should choose. Hair topper versus wig? I keep reading about mono and lace and human hair and synthetic. Anyone who can help this very muddled person?
Really want to keep all those nosy moms at my kids' schools in the dark for now and just still look like me, you know?
Thanks all....
It is difficult to help you hide it without seeing you. Try a thick headband or scarf. It is a fashion statement. I am not sure where your patches are. I order online for my daughter. Message me and I will send you links. They take 1 month to get in but are much cheaper than the wig shops.
Hi Deidre,
I had a similar situation. I too work at a school. My AA got alot worse in a few weeks where I had to do something. I went to a wig salon and ordered a wig. I was able to borrow a floor model for the week while mine was on order. Get something close to your style and color.
When I wore the wig to school, everyone asked me about my new haircut (even lots of kids) and complemented me on it. No one thought it was a wig.
I bought a lace one but I also bought a mono top one online. I like the look of the mono one. It's personal preference.
Good luck! I hope you find something you like.
Thanks all! The ideas sound good - maybe I will check out another wig place this weekend and see. And maybe some hat stores too!
Amy - thanks for the heads up that lace is high maintenance. I have three little ones as well so low maintenance (and something the baby can't pull off!) will be key!
Dorothy glad you found something that looked so similar to your hair. I am worried about color matching (red hair) but know there are a lot of options out there.
Karen thanks for the info about a cheap site I will message you.
Thanks Aimee, just went on Amazon for some beanies and headscarves! Thanks for the tip on which wigs you have liked, that is very helpful. Wow, three years ago for you? I have read a bunch of your other posts and you always seem to have great replies and advice. Yes, so glad I found this forum!
Thank you!
Did you try a store that sells salon products just to get you through? Or is there a kiosk in your mall that sells clip ins? That may just be a mid-west thing though. Maybe get a cute scarf!!
When my daughter's hair first started falling out and the spots were obvious we went to Sally's and bought hair extensions to cover the spots. This worked for us for a couple of months, then there was just too much and needed a wig. Sally's Beauty had many colors too.
Thanks all, so helpful!! Leonore - I bought the powder, it looks a little obvious in my hair (color is just enough off) but will do. The tough part is right at the hairline...
Kerri, I did go and buy some extensions today, though does not cover the top part well. But great news - I got a call tonight that the hair piece arrived, I can get it tomorrow right before my trip!! And I ordered 2 new hats from amazon. All in all, hopefully I will not have to think about it all too much. Now if I could just wear my hair down without feeling every strand fall off my head....oh well, one day right?
Thanks everyone, great ideas and very appreciated!!
Hi Deirdre, I just read your post. I'm glad to hear that your piece arrived. Make sure you add another piece to your collection to serve as a backup when your other one is getting maintenance. It will save a lot of energy, time, and stress.
Great News! So happy for you!
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