I'm experiencing unprecedented regrowth, and want to hear about your similar experiences. I have had AU for almost 4 years now, first onset being in my mid-thirties. Possibly there was a link between my stressful job and the hair loss -- I've been away from that situation now for almost a full 3 years. I've been using turmeric (golden paste - supposedly good for anti-inflammation) in the past few months and that's all I've been doing differently than normal. I have tried about everything for varying periods of time over the last few years!

I now have patches of thick, dark hair coming in all over my head, (not connected...yet?) and I'm growing eyelashes and a bit of body hair here and there. I know from reading, not to be too optimistic or get attached, as it comes and goes. But this is something I haven't seen before, and it's all coming in at once. 

What are your experiences with regrowth and AU? 

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Hair Loss Pills - http://www.foliactive.com I started using Foliactive thanks to a good friend’s recommendation and the truth is it’s working very well. I already got some of my crown hair back and I feel that, in fact, my hair’s stopped falling out so much.

Hair Loss Pills - http://www.foliactive.com I started using Foliactive thanks to a good friend’s recommendation and the truth is it’s working very well. I already got some of my crown hair back and I feel that, in fact, my hair’s stopped falling out so much.

Cheap Propecia without a prescription - http://оnlinecheappills.com/catalog/Hair_Loss/Propecia.htm I had heard of Proecia pills for hair loss but had never tried them until I saw that I was losing too much hair. I spent several months following the treatment and quickly saw the results I wanted: strong hair and less hair loss. I highly recommend Propecia.

Propecia without a prescription - https://qualitypillsprovider.com I had heard of Propecia pills for hair loss but had never tried them until I saw that I was losing too much hair. I spent several months following the treatment and quickly saw the results I wanted: strong hair and less hair loss. I highly recommend Propecia.

I've been reading a lot lately about turmeric & curcumin, and the benefit they have for anyone.  Now that my son has been diagnosed with AA, however, I'm even more intrigued.  

Here's the recipe I'm using - http://deeprootsathome.com/how-to-make-use-turmeric-golden-paste/ I use it in coffee, but there are other ideas on that site too. Good luck!

That is great!  I just bought some turmeric because I read a book about the connection between alopecia and the digestive system.  I started noticed regrowth after a few years of nothing after I began taking a probiotic.  It says make sure it has a least 30 billion cultures! 

Awesome! Probiotics are a good idea too - I'll try to make that a habit as well. Here's the turmeric paste recipe for maximum bioavailabilty: http://deeprootsathome.com/how-to-make-use-turmeric-golden-paste/

I've heard that probiotics work for various autoimmune disorders. But there are many different ones out there. Is there a certain one that you use?

No, I don't take them - yet. Just turmeric.

I have had Alopecia Areata for almost 5 years. Last year I noticed the hair started growing back when I used a probiotic. The hair fell out when I stopped taking it. Right now I am taking a probiotic every day, and also Vitamine D, Zinc, Silica, Fish Oil and Seleen. The hair is still growing (keeping my fingers crossed). I have a feeling that there is a strong connection between your digestive system and alopecia. 

Interesting for sure - I agree it seems to be related to digestion. I am going to add probiotics and see what happens. :)



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