Hi everyone, I have had AA for many years now, and have noticed something unusual, and wonder if its happened to anyone else. For at least 25 yrs I've had bouts of muscle pains (fibroyalgia) type, and it tends to come and go, I can't really remember the last time I hurt., well I have been steadily losing my hair for months, new spots developed while others filled in, as you can see in my profile pic my hair got pretty thinned out. well about 2 weeks ago I started in with the aches and pains, shoulders hips thighs really bad, well guess what My hair quit falling out, I told my husband I thought there was a connection like maybe my immune system couldn't attack two places at once, he said well it's not good to hurt, I told him I'd rather ache than lose my hair, he couldn't believe it, that just shows how truly painful this condition is for alot of us. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this? I read once that someone thought her eczema cleared up every time her AA started up again.

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Pain! Oh no, I'm not one for pain, I'm with Aimee, I rather have AU than pain. But, yes, I've heard of ppl on here that have had one condition counter act the other.
Whoa didn't mean to set anyone off, I have had the muscle pains off and on for so many years, and tho its bothersome it is manageable, occasionally I take some Ibuprofen and I'm fine, I suppose because I've dealt with the muscle issues for so long, and only about 8yrs with the AA, I find it more painful emotionally right now. I'm so glad to hear that Most of you are not experiencing the emotional pain I'm going through right now, and I hope I can get to that place of acceptance soon, I didn't mean to imply that I'm not happy with my family, friends, and such, but am getting a bit tired of the roller coaster of hair falling out and growing back and never knowing whats next...I will say this If I'm going to lose it all one day I'd rather be done with it, it's the unpredictable thats torture for me. I
Hey Aimee and Tanya, thanks for the reply's and the understanding, I think most people just don't get it, my hairdresser is such a nice person and realy does a great job and has helped me with styles that work with my pattern but, the last big spell I had I told her I had made a decision to shave it all, if It got to the point where I felt I couldn't get by with what I had left....she didn't say much but what she did say, I could tell she thought that was awful, Kinda like, how could I ever think such a thing. when I made that decision, I felt better and stronger than I had in years over this, I'm glad you understand about the ups & downs of having Areata, I had to explaine to her that No I don't want to lose it all, but it would be done, and I'd feel in control of it for once. Tanya your words are inspirational, God doesn't give us anything that with him we cant deal with. I never thought about it before Aimee, but I'm sure everyones next question would be when is it growing back,funny sometimes how the world sees it. I am truly thankful for my health, my family, and God, my life is blessed in so many ways. Thanks guys!
thats what i have noticed after having fibromialga for years and i feel d same! i never 4ght i wud ever say that tho......i wonderer my aches n pains wer geting beter and beter as i reolized which foods made it worse but now i have iron deficiency mayb that is causing my aa mmmm????
Caroline, Hi, I'm not sure, but did you notice that when you went into remission with AA your Fibro would flare up? I don't know honestly if I noticed it all along or just this time?? It could just be a coincidence, I wonder too about what I'm putting into my body too, not so much with the Muscle problems but with the AA, I'm forever trying to figure it out, maybe we can't but I can't help wondering if there isn't something? All my bloodwork comes back fine, including Thyroid, I think stress plays a role, but that doesn't explain the small kids, who have great family life and such, With Alopecia there seems to be more questions than answers, same with the muscle problems I have had for years. I do believe they are of the same type of condition, Autoimmune, but the causes are a mystery, hopefully not forever! I will continue to Pray for a cure for us, and answers, I also believe that at the center of this is inflammation, with most if not all auto-immunities there is inflammation, I'm not smart enough to know that answer, but I believe that someone is, and may have an answer in the near future, stay strong,



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