How's your experience with rogaine for patchy alopecia areta? I'm thinking of starting it on my spots

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I've been using it for about 2 years now, and do feel it makes a big difference in the rate at which my hair grows back, of course it can't stop the fall out, but I feel that the areas where I'm not effected by AA are thicker too, and this helps hide the spots, and areas where I have no hair. Hope this helps.

Christine did you ever have a shed from using it. I just started it about 3 weeks ago and I keep reading that it causes a massive shed. As much as I hate that I have these spots, I still want to keep the rest of my hair. I have about 90% of my hair but im missing some spots on my left side and rear of my head on on the top rear and right side of my head ... also my eyebrows thin out and then grow back constantly.



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