HELLO ,I have T.E and the doctors say that unmasked AGA,which for me is hard to accept ,because my parents are both 60 and have gorgeous full heads of hair,and there really inst any baldness in my family except a great grandfather.and my hair was fine until a year ago,after my scalp was burnt in a salon.so i am wondering did anyone ever have a wrong diagnoses after a scalp biopsy?and the majority of my hair has been lost in 3 months.i thought AGA IS A MUCH SLOWER PROCESS.......and how long does T.E last i am losing clumps of hair. ANY HELP WILL BE APPERCIATED.

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Since you haven't received any replies yet I thought I would say hang in there sweetie! I have been losing more hair recently because of the CTE. It is very discouraging because I don't know how long it will last either. I don't think anyone really knows. It is different for everyone and since mine has gone longer than 7 months, it is called Chronic TE. I don't know much about AGA, but I hope that more people will respond to your post and give you some much needed answers!
THANK YOU,i also believe i have CTE my shedding has lasted over a year.

Hi, I was just reading your profile and I love your wigs! Can you tell me alittle more about them? I also have burning scalp with scaling. I was told I have LPP which is a scarring alopicia! The burning is calm now but did flare up last time I colored my hair again. I went a year without color but the grays got so bad! Ugh. Hope your scalp is feeling better.



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