I'm 15 years old and I have had Alopecia Areata all of my life. It has really taken a toll on me, growing up with kids my age, they can be very judgmental and I have always had to wear a hat out in public for the past 3 years where my bald spots have gotten to where they are now. They are at the point where I keep losing chunks of hair almost daily and it won't stop. So I have been thinking of this for about a year now, and I've decided to shave my head. It's 2 am right now, and I have no idea why I'm awake. I'm too nervous to sleep. I'm done with the treatments, the shots, all of it. So I'm going to embrace who I am. I'm bald, and that's who I am. That's my attitude going into this. I don't really know why I'm posting this, but I just needed somewhere to go I guess.. 

Who else has made this decision? I feel as if it will bring out my true friends and the people who care about me for me, not looks or hair.

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Hi Nate I think your post is really inspirational the way you have given so much thought to your options and decided to take control by shaving. I would get sone advice on how to do this without nicking your skin. I think as you say that your true friends will not give a damn. You are doing this for yourself and empowering yourself as you move forwards with your life.

I wish you all good things for 2014, happy new year

Hi Nate,

I made the same decision, but one day just told my boyfriend ok I have had enough, lets shave it off.  I cried the whole time, but can honestly say its the best thing I could have done, no more hair all over the bathroom floor, or in chunks when I wash my hair.  It has taken away the emotional roller coaster.  I can't say I am at the point of completely feeling comfortable with me with no hair, but for me it was the right decision to make.  I think you have thought things through and seem very comfortable with you're decision.  Good luck in you're journey. 

Good for you Nate! I too shaved the rest of my hair off and like Ruthie, I am also not 100% comfortable in public, I'm much more comfortable with me. Your true friends will be there to support you. Stay strong, don't hide, be comfortable.

Funny thing, I was about to write a post about the feeling the same way.  I have been hiding my hair loss for about 5 years now.  I have tried all of the treatments and I am so over all of that.  I really want to shave it all off.  I am so tired of headbands, hats and wigs. I sick of the hiding.  Life it too short to be worried about what others might think.  I know you will make the right decision for you.

Hey Nate. Have to say you are so brave coz you have endured this all your life.  Seems like you have accepted the condition and thats a great step. And from my experience the ones who will love and accept you with the decisions you make are your true friends. Make the decision that makes you happy.



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