I have long hair to the middle of my back but am getting it cut to shoulder length in the morning. I'm hoping that will help with the tangles and not having to wear it in a pony tail(nape of neck). Has anyone found shorter hair easier to handle with AA. I have one 2" spot on left side of part and almost nothing between it and the hairline. My hair is getting so thin I can barely call it a ponytail, more like a half inch diameter tuft!! The grey is coming faster and faster and at 65 that may not be surprising but I have had only a grey hair here and there until this began. Anyway, any comments would be appreciated.

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My hair was down to the middle of my back when my AA got bad and my hairdresser said cutting to my shoulders would help hide the bald spots and make it better. It doesnt do anything, it was still the same hair and the same head with AA. The only thing I got out of it was shorter hair, lol. GOOD LUCK!!
I am the same age as you. I have AA. My hair is shoulder length from being jaw length when I got AA. I didn't want to cut whatever hair I had left. The bald spots are slowly growing back in. I see a lot more gray, maybe because I am afraid to color my hair now that I have this disease. I clip the hair back at the back of my nape. The long hairs seem to help hide the underneath baldness somewhat. But the original long hairs are still coming out as new hairs grow in. I feel a mess. I don't think I will let it grow too much longer. I'll probably keep it shoulder length and if it should all ever grow back, I'll keep it in a bob where all the hair is one length so if AA happens again, my outer hairs will cover it again. I'm just going to continue wearing wigs and hats when I go out. What else can you do. I'm not into the drug treatment thing. If this is my fate, then I will just have to deal with it and continue on with my life and focus less on my hair, but don't get me wrong, I'm hurting inside every day, constantly picking up hairs. I just keep telling myself, forget your ego, it's only hair, I am still who I am. (Ouch! it hurt to say that!) especially when I look in the mirror. Just keep your sense of humor and you will get through this like the rest of us.
My hair started falling out in August. At that time, I did not know why. I thought maybe because I put it up in a scrunchie every night, and that had pulled it out, or maybe I had gotten cleaning chemicals on my scalp..Well, I wasn't sure, but my hair was always falling out. I decided to cut my hair chin length, having first 13" cut off, and then even more to style it. I was later diagnosed with Alopecia Areata in October, and donated my 13" ponytail to Locks of Love. Having shorter hair at least makes it SEEM like less is falling out. Donating my hair, for possibly some child with Alopecia made me feel really good. I had no idea when I cut my hair that my donation would be so meaningful to me, and even personal, because of my new diagnosis! Hope you are enjoying your new haircut.



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