This is what happened: I have two sisters, both of whom have androgenetic alopecia. Inlcuding me. However, one of my sisters has completely changed her diet and her hair has grown back! It's strange, but still to this day, I can still her scalp just a LITTLE.

I am absolutely desperate to get a wig because I feel so ugly and my self-esteem is as low as the core of the earth, so that's why I am set on getting a human hair wig. Whenever I touch my head, I can feel peach fuzz. It's so devastating. 

My mother said otherwise; she believes that if I change my diet (I don't eat healthy actually), my hair will come back. I find that hard to believe....and she said wigs won't help me because since it covers my head, it will cause more hair loss. So that's why I'm having doubts. I really need support from my mother and she said she can come with me to appointments in a wig shop, but still....

WHAT IF my hair comes back and the money I spent on the human wig has gone to waste? I could get a synthetic wig but let's say the hair doesn't grow back - that would be a waste of the money for synthetic wig AND I have to purchase a human hair wig. 

Your advice is much appreciated. Thank you. 

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Hi Lilac,

I think you need to evaluate your current hair and how it is making you feel.  If you are feeling low self esteem, lack of confidence and your moods are being affected by your appearance then a hairpiece may in fact be a good option.  You can still change your diet and if you see an increase in the density of your biological hair you can always forgo the hairpiece once your hair is considered "wearable" to you.  I always tell my clients that our hair does play an intricate and important role in our self confidence.  I tell them that getting a hairpiece is very much like replacing a limb if it were lost in an accident.  You are purchasing a prosthesis that helps you function as normally as possible.  It wouldn't hurt to visit Gabi's and try on hairpieces before deciding.  See how you feel and maybe if you do find that you are going to go the hairpiece route, your mother will turn around if she sees that the hairpiece is making you more confident.  A visit to the wig salon may help answer your question.

Good luck and warm wishes,


Hi Jennifer, thank you so much for your reply. It's much appreciated. My current hair is so ugly and so thin, and in fact, instead of real hair, I have "peach fuzz" on my scalp. It's affecting my self-esteem a lot, so that's the eaosn why I want to get a hair wig in the first place. I honestly don't think changing diet will bring a drastic change to my hair. But if it does, then the money I put for the hair wig would go to the waste.

The "waste" of the money is my primary concern. May I ask you if you have any experience at Gabi's Wigs at all? Thank you again. 

Hi Lilac,

I personally haven't but some of my clients (I sell Freedom Wigs) that see me to switch over do come in with Gabi's wigs and they do look lovely.  I think it is worth the visit to go down and get fitted for a wig…you can always say no.  From the sounds of your blogs you do sound like you are ready to make a change and I am always the first to say go for it!  If hair does decide to come back it takes quite a few months to year(s) anyways so the investment likely won't be a wasteful one.

Hope that helps


What is really hard about getting a human hair wig or even make a change is lack of support. My entire family and friends know about my condition of hair loss and yet remain impassive whenever I vent my frustrations or feelings about my hair loss to them. It's really, really difficult to find anyone who could even emphasize for you or come with you to a wig shop. I can't go on my own as I'm too young to venture into an area that I have never been to, or I need support from a person when I spend so much money on a human hair wig. I would not even feel comfortable to spend +$2500 on my own in a wig shop. I even asked a family member to come with me but they remain "indifferent" when I tell them that I want a wig. They are not like you like, "If you want a wig, go for it! It's important that you feel more confident, etc." as opposed to saying, "okay." It's so hard to struggle with this condition when you are all alone, even when you have family members who have a similar condition but does not have same perceptions of it as you. 

I'm just venting this out here because only you can truly understand the pain I'm going through. I really really want to have a nice change but I can't do it alone. I need someone to lean on for emotional support. It feels like I'm going to cry anytime now because nobody in my circle of friends or family even has empathy for me.  Because I have to do this alone (accepting my feelings), it's such a pain in the a$$. Does anyone have this problem and how did they overcome it? 



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