Hi Ok,
So three months ago I noticed a small circular bald patch on my jawline. I didn't think much of it until about a couple days ago I noticed a few more on my neck. I did some googling and self-diagnosed myself with AA or AB. This also explained the weird bald patch I had on the back of my neck a few years ago that hung around for a couple months to year before regrowing.
Now I am already bald from male pattern baldness so I have a shaved head and apart from the occasional mustache I'm clean shaven. So right now this does not feel like such a big deal, I did go through an extremely stressful period this past year and everything is just now calming down so I attributed this all to stress.
However, I would be slightly annoyed if I lost my eyebrows and/or eyelashes a part from that I don't really care. After the reading I've done the course for AA seems to be pretty random and somewhat of a lottery of where and how extensive it gets.
My question is: is there any point to see a doctor or should I just let time run its course? So far my eyebrows and lashes are unaffected but would getting treatment now reduce the risk of them also falling out or is it just random? I'm not really interested in taking any drugs with side effects and would rather rock the no haired alien look with pride than do anything that could hurt my body.
All the best!
Doctor's do not have any treatments regarding Alopecia. You will be waiting a very long time if not forever.
Yeah I'll just wait it out :) Fuck putting steroids and shit into my body just to save some stupid hair xD Thanks for the reply!
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