I have a gripper wig which has the silicone all around the edges in the front and at the nape of your neck, my question is, I noticed that although I have pretty drys skin, that these strips of silicone can get kinda greasy feeling, I wash my wig once a week but still feel like the days in between the strips need a cleaning, I started using alcohol on a cotton square to wipe down the strips, Does anyone know if this could damage the product? I have not noticed anything so far, but just wondering if I'm doing the right thing or not.

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OZ, what about it getting into the hair? When I washed it (the whole wig) I used a bit of dawn on the silicone just before I washed the rest with the shampoo and conditioner. It worked really well. Do you think it will cause any problems or over wet the hair and cap around it? Thanks for the Dawn suggestion. Just need to get the technique down.


Silicone is a very hardy product the lasts well, but you should look after it as recommended by the person who has sold it to you. Ring the people that sold you the 'gripper' they should be able to help.

Even though you have a dry scalp, you will still perspire and create body oils (this is a very natural bodily process), on the other parts of your 'gripper' they are going into the hair and cap materials, for some this will cause issues with oily hair, and damp caps, on the silicone rim they sit on the outside which makes for easier cleaning.


Thanks for the further info OZ!! I'm going to do this from now on. Thats amazing that your synthetic is lasting you so long!! I've heard that 3-6 months was all I could expect, which led to my decision to go with the gripper human hair instead, while it was a bit pricey I felt if it lasted me much longer it would be worth it. I wear my hair in a short in the back chin length in the front bob style, I was told that the shorter the hair the longer the life of any wig. Did your gripper not hold up for you? I've only had mine since August so far mine still looks really good, but I know that's not a long time yet, the gal who sold me it said I could expect at least 2 years our of it, I do wear it everyday except for sleeping. What kind of syntetic did you get?



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