I have had eczema my entire life. At times, it has been pretty severe. Right now is one of those times. I went to the dermatologist and he did some skin biopsies for skin lupus. I have heard of lupus before and know what that is. I have never heard of skin lupus before. I was wondering if anyone else has this, or how common lupus is among people with alopecia.

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Hi Rachel

Lupus is another auto immune condition. It is not common among those with alopecia but there are people that have Lupus and alopecia.

Sorry I don't have a lot of information, but hope that helps a little.

I was just reading your post and I saw this one on skin lupus so I asked my mom if she had ever heard of this before and she told me that my aunt has skin lupus. She is not related by blood... cuz I don't know if this is passed down the blood line, but she is my father's, brother's wife. I am interested in learning more about skin lupus now. Have the doctors told you anything new since this post? Just curious to know if you have been diagnosed with it or not. BTW... I have eczema also but just on the palms of my hands.



Loss of hair could be a sign of a Lupus. Inflamed skin on the scalp causes the hair to weaken and become easily breakable. Signs in adults also include problems in beards and even in the pubic hair. It is a very common symptom and perhaps the initial one to manifest. Recently I read an article about Lupus. Check it out for more information about causes, symptoms, and treatments of it.

I have AU and I've been told that I also have lupus.  Lupus is a strange thing.  I get flare ups in my mouth.



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