I already know that somking is not good for you to begin with but I have been a smoker for 20 yrs now. Does anyone know if smoking has any effect on the regrowth of hair?

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Becca, In my own opinion, I don't think smoking causes AA, or we would see a lot more of it with the general population, than being said, I do want to encourage you to try and stop for all the other reasons, I was a smoker so I understand how difficult it is to even think about stopping, I use to wonder what I'd do if I didn't smoke, there are so many times that we smoke, like after eating, getting up in the morning...on and on, but you end up not even thinking about that when you do quit, I was surprised, but it is missed much less than you think, I quit once after many years of smoking (with a full head of hair) and then for some stupid reason I started again (I blamed it on stress) I used the nicorette gum, now being an ex smoker I can tell you that the gum really feels like you have had a cigarette, have you tried it? or the patch? I don't know if it hinders the hair growing back, my guess is not likely, but who knows, quiting can't hurt. Good luck with this battle, I do know how hard it is, but you will never miss the smoke smell, I promise:)



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