So I find Alopeica World to be absolutely great, and sharing the stories and knowledge and fun is absolutely incredible, but I haven't really found anywhere to talk about the positive sides of Alopecia! And when you first hear that there could possibly be positive sides, it sounds absolutely crazy! I mean, what could be good about losing all your hair? Well, maybe it's just me, because I tend to be a positive person, but I have found lots of really good things to do with Alopecia! It might just be my way of thinking, but I'd so much rather focus on all the good this disease has done me than dwell on everything I've missed out on and everything I've lost by having it... So I thought I'd start a discussion where we can share some of the positive things that have come out of having no hair.
For example, everytime I tour with my choir, I get to stay in hotel rooms with my friends because I say that I'm not really comfortable being with people I don't know as well, because I'd rather not tell them about Alopecia. I could take this the happy way that I get to be with my friends, or the way that I don't really want some people knowing. I'd rather be happy that I get to be with my friends! And I have millions of examples like that, some better and some worse. I have often found that when begging my mom for something, it used to work to pull the old, "But Mom...... I have no hair!!!" It used to work a bit, but now she just sort of laughs... I think she's catching on.. :P

Anyways, share your stories! :D

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Because of alopecia, I...
- never having to worry about having helmet hair after getting off my motorcycle
- save lots of money on shampoos, conditioners and the like
- can ride with the top down on the Jeep without the wind blowing hair in my eyes
- have met a bunch of great people on this site
I just realized this one today...I am going out of town for work and for the first time I won't have to pack the straightener, hair dryer, favorite shampoo & conditioner. My bag will be a little lighter!

How about it only takes me 15-20 minutes to get ready now and that includes the shower! This means I can sleep in longer in the mornings. :)
I used to use two towels every time I took a shower, one for my hair and one for my I only need one. Number of laundry loads has lightened up!
Having deal with AA since I was 2, it was actually a joy to have it progress into AU around 16...

I never have to shave!
I can get ready so quick in the morning!
My skin is so soft and smooth!

Never having to shave my legs. My husband loves how soft my skin is. :-)
Throwing on a hair do like a hat-and no longer being limited by the hair God gave me.
Knowing that my partner is more attached to who I am, than what I look like.
Closer relationship with God, because this is quite a spiritual trip!
Empathy for others who deal with frustration over chronic diseases.
Deeper appreciation of what is good in life.
Meeting wonderful people who share this condition.
Realizing how truly kind many friends and aquaintances are. When we are always strong and self sufficient, it doesn't give the angels around us a chance to show their wings.



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